Page 212 - the-portrait-of-a-lady
P. 212

Chapter 16

         She had had no hidden motive in wishing him not to take
         her home; it simply struck her that for some days past she
         had consumed an inordinate quantity of his time, and the
         independent spirit of the American girl whom extravagance
         of aid places in an attitude that she ends by finding ‘affect-
         ed’ had made her decide that for these few hours she must
         suffice to herself. She had moreover a great fondness for in-
         tervals of solitude, which since her arrival in England had
         been but meagrely met. It was a luxury she could always
         command at home and she had wittingly missed it. That
         evening, however, an incident occurred which—had there
         been a critic to note it—would have taken all colour from
         the theory that the wish to be quite by herself had caused
         her to dispense with her cousin’s attendance. Seated toward
         nine o’clock in the dim illumination of Pratt’s Hotel and
         trying with the aid of two tall candles to lose herself in a
         volume she had brought from Gardencourt, she succeeded
         only to the extent of reading other words than those printed
         on the page—words that Ralph had spoken to her that after-
         noon. Suddenly the well-muffled knuckle of the waiter was
         applied to the door, which presently gave way to his exhibi-
         tion, even as a glorious trophy, of the card of a visitor. When
         this memento had offered to her fixed sight the name of Mr.
         Caspar Goodwood she let the man stand before her without

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