Page 266 - the-portrait-of-a-lady
P. 266

worst weather, that the two ladies always came back with
         a healthy glow in their cheeks, looking at the soles of their
         neat, stout boots and declaring that their walk had done
         them inexpressible good. Before luncheon, always, Madame
         Merle  was  engaged;  Isabel  admired  and  envied  her  rigid
         possession of her morning. Our heroine had always passed
         for a person of resources and had taken a certain pride in
         being one; but she wandered, as by the wrong side of the
         wall of a private garden, round the enclosed talents, accom-
         plishments, aptitudes of Madame Merle. She found herself
         desiring to emulate them, and in twenty such ways this lady
         presented herself as a model. ‘I should like awfully to be so!’
         Isabel secretly exclaimed, more than once, as one after an-
         other of her friend’s fine aspects caught the light, and before
         long she knew that she had learned a lesson from a high au-
         thority. It took no great time indeed for her to feel herself,
         as the phrase is, under an influence. ‘What’s the harm,’ she
         wondered, ‘so long as it’s a good one? The more one’s un-
         der a good influence the better. The only thing is to see our
         steps as we take them—to understand them as we go. That,
         no doubt, I shall always do. I needn’t be afraid of becoming
         too pliable; isn’t it my fault that I’m not pliable enough?’ It is
         said that imitation is the sincerest flattery; and if Isabel was
         sometimes moved to gape at her friend aspiringly and de-
         spairingly it was not so much because she desired herself to
         shine as because she wished to hold up the lamp for Madame
         Merle. She liked her extremely, but was even more dazzled
         than attracted. She sometimes asked herself what Henrietta
         Stackpole would say to her thinking so much of this per-

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