Page 399 - the-portrait-of-a-lady
P. 399

candidly confessed that he regarded the affair as a positive
         intellectual adventure. He liked Miss Stackpole extremely;
         he thought she had a wonderful head on her shoulders, and
         found great comfort in the society of a woman who was
         not  perpetually  thinking  about  what  would  be  said  and
         how what she did, how what they did—and they had done
         things!—would look. Miss Stackpole never cared how any-
         thing looked, and, if she didn’t care, pray why should he?
         But his curiosity had been roused; he wanted awfully to see
         if she ever would care. He was prepared to go as far as she—
         he didn’t see why he should break down first.
            Henrietta showed no signs of breaking down. Her pros-
         pects had brightened on her leaving England, and she was
         now in the full enjoyment of her copious resources. She had
         indeed been obliged to sacrifice her hopes with regard to
         the inner life; the social question, on the Continent, bris-
         tled with difficulties even more numerous than those she
         had encountered in England. But on the Continent there
         was the outer life, which was palpable and visible at every
         turn, and more easily convertible to literary uses than the
         customs  of  those  opaque  islanders.  Out  of  doors  in  for-
         eign  lands,  as  she  ingeniously  remarked,  one  seemed  to
         see the right side of the tapestry; out of doors in England
         one seemed to see the wrong side, which gave one no no-
         tion of the figure. The admission costs her historian a pang,
         but Henrietta, despairing of more occult things, was now
         paying much attention to the outer life. She had been study-
         ing it for two months at Venice, from which city she sent
         to the Interviewer a conscientious account of the gondolas,

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