Page 89 - the-portrait-of-a-lady
P. 89

bours and some of our friends, because we have really got
         a  few,  though  you  would  never  suppose  it’—when  he  of-
         fered to invite what he called a ‘lot of people’ and make her
         acquainted with English society, she encouraged the hospi-
         table impulse and promised in advance to hurl herself into
         the fray. Little, however, for the present, had come of his of-
         fers, and it may be confided to the reader that if the young
         man delayed to carry them out it was because he found the
         labour of providing for his companion by no means so se-
         vere as to require extraneous help. Isabel had spoken to him
         very often about ‘specimens”; it was a word that played a
         considerable part in her vocabulary; she had given him to
         understand that she wished to see English society illustrat-
         ed by eminent cases.
            ‘Well  now,  there’s  a  specimen,’  he  said  to  her  as  they
         walked up from the riverside and he recognized Lord War-
            ‘A specimen of what?’ asked the girl.
            ‘A specimen of an English gentleman.’
            ‘Do you mean they’re all like him?’
            ‘Oh no; they’re not all like him.’
            ‘He’s a favourable specimen then,’ said Isabel; ‘because
         I’m sure he’s nice.’
            ‘Yes, he’s very nice. And he’s very fortunate.’
            The fortunate Lord Warburton exchanged a handshake
         with our heroine and hoped she was very well. ‘But I needn’t
         ask that,’ he said, ‘since you’ve been handling the oars.’
            ‘I’ve  been  rowing  a  little,’  Isabel  answered;  ‘but  how
         should you know it?’

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