Page 110 - pollyanna
P. 110
ollyanna was a little late for supper on the night of the
Paccident to John Pendleton; but, as it happened, she es-
caped without reproof.
Nancy met her at the door.
‘Well, if I ain’t glad ter be settin’ my two eyes on you,’ she
sighed in obvious relief. ‘It’s half-past six!’
‘I know it,’ admitted Pollyanna anxiously; ‘but I’m not
to blame—truly I’m not. And I don’t think even Aunt Polly
will say I am, either.’
‘She won’t have the chance,’ retorted Nancy, with huge
satisfaction. ‘She’s gone.’
‘Gone!’ gasped Pollyanna. ‘You don’t mean that I’ve
driven her away?’ Through Pollyanna’s mind at the mo-
ment trooped remorseful memories of the morning with its
unwanted boy, cat, and dog, and its unwelcome ‘glad’ and
forbidden ‘father that would spring to her forgetful little
tongue. Oh, I DIDN’T drive her away?’
‘Not much you did,’ scoff ed Nancy. ‘Her cousin died sud-
denly down to Boston, and she had ter go. She had one o’
them yeller telegram letters after you went away this after-
noon, and she won’t be back for three days. Now I guess
we’re glad all right. We’ll be keepin’ house tergether, jest