Page 152 - pollyanna
P. 152
ollyanna entered school in September. Preliminary ex-
Paminations showed that she was well advanced for a girl
of her years, and she was soon a happy member of a class of
girls and boys her own age.
School, in some ways, was a surprise to Pollyanna; and
Pollyanna, certainly, in many ways, was very much of a
surprise to school. They were soon on the best of terms,
however, and to her aunt Pollyanna confessed that going
to school WAS living, after all—though she had had her
doubts before.
In spite of her delight in her new work, Pollyanna did not
forget her old friends. True, she could not give them quite
so much time now, of course; but she gave them what time
she could. Perhaps John Pendleton, of them all, however,
was the most dissatisfied.
One Saturday afternoon he spoke to her about it.
‘See here, Pollyanna, how would you like to come and
live with me? he asked, a little impatiently. ‘I don’t see any-
thing of you, nowadays.’
Pollyanna laughed—Mr. Pendleton was such a funny
‘I thought you didn’t like to have folks ‘round,’ she said.
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