Page 228 - pollyanna
P. 228

‘Yes, dear.’ Miss Polly sternly forced her voice to be cheer-
       fully matter-of-fact. ‘Nancy told me. I think it’s a beautiful
       game. I’m going to play it now—with you.’
         ‘Oh, Aunt Polly—YOU? I’m so glad! You see, I’ve really
       wanted you most of anybody, all the time.’
         Aunt Polly caught her breath a little sharply. It was even
       harder this time to keep her voice steady; but she did it.
         ‘Yes, dear; and there are all those others, too. Why, Pol-
       lyanna, I think all the town is playing that game now with
       you—even to the minister! I haven’t had a chance to tell you,
       yet, but this morning I met Mr. Ford when I was down to
       the village, and he told me to say to you that just as soon as
       you could see him, he was coming to tell you that he hadn’t
       stopped being glad over those eight hundred rejoicing texts
       that you told him about. So you see, dear, it’s just you that
       have done it. The whole town is playing the game, and the
       whole town is wonderfully happier—and all because of one
       little girl who taught the people a new game, and how to
       play it.’
          Pollyanna clapped her hands.
         ‘Oh, I’m so glad,’ she cried. Then, suddenly, a wonderful
       light illumined her face. ‘Why, Aunt Polly, there IS some-
       thing I can be glad about, after all. I can be glad I’ve HAD
       my legs, anyway—else I couldn’t have done—that!’
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