Page 73 - pollyanna
P. 73

meals  three  times  a  day.  I  know  Sally  Miner,  who  waits
            on him, and she says he hardly opens his head enough ter
           tell what he wants ter eat. She has ter guess it more’n half
           the time—only it’ll be somethin’ CHEAP! She knows that
           without no tellin’.’
              Pollyanna nodded sympathetically.
              ‘I know. You have to look for cheap things when you’re
           poor. Father and I took meals out a lot. We had beans and
           fish balls most generally. We used to say how glad we were
           we liked beans—that is, we said it specially when we were
            looking at the roast turkey place, you know, that was sixty
            cents. Does Mr. Pendleton like beans?’
              ‘Like ‘em! What if he does—or don’t? Why, Miss Polly-
            anna, he ain’t poor. He’s got loads of money, John Pendleton
           has—from his father. There ain’t nobody in town as rich as
           he is. He could eat dollar bills, if he wanted to—and not
            know it.’
              Pollyanna giggled.
              ‘As if anybody COULD eat dollar bills and not know it,
           Nancy, when they come to try to chew ‘em!’
              ‘Ho! I mean he’s rich enough ter do it,’ shrugged Nancy.
           ‘He ain’t spendin’ his money, that’s all. He’s a-savin’ of it.’
              ‘Oh, for the heathen,’ surmised Pollyanna. ‘How perfectly
            splendid! That’s denying yourself and taking up your cross.
           I know; father told me.’
              Nancy’s  lips  parted  abruptly,  as  if  there  were  angry
           words all ready to come; but her eyes, resting on Pollyan-
           na’s jubilantly trustful face, saw something that prevented
           the words being spoken.

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