Page 99 - pollyanna
P. 99

The silence could almost be felt now. Some of the ladies
            did  know  this  rather  extraordinary  niece  of  their  fellow-
           member, and nearly all had heard of her; but not one of
           them could think of anything to say, just then.
              ‘I—I’ve come to—to lay the case before you,’ stammered
           Pollyanna, after a moment, unconsciously falling into her
           father’s familiar phraseology.
              There was a slight rustle.
              ‘Did—did your aunt send you, my dear? asked Mrs. Ford,
           the minister’s wife.
              Pollyanna colored a little.
              ‘Oh, no. I came all by myself. You see, I’m used to Ladies’
           Aiders. It was Ladies’ Aiders that brought me up—with fa-
              Somebody tittered hysterically, and the minister’s wife
              ‘Yes, dear. What is it?’
              ‘Well, it—it’s Jimmy Bean,’ sighed Pollyanna. ‘He hasn’t
            any  home  except  the  Orphan  one,  and  they’re  full,  and
            don’t want him, anyhow, he thinks; so he wants another. He
           wants one of the common kind, that has a mother instead of
            a Matron in it—folks, you know, that’ll care. He’s ten years
            old going on eleven. I thought some of you might like him—
           to live with you, you know.’
              ‘Well,  did  you  ever!’  murmured  a  voice,  breaking  the
            dazed pause that followed Pollyanna’s words.
              With  anxious  eyes  Pollyanna  swept  the  circle  of  faces
            about her.
              ‘Oh, I forgot to say; he will work,’ she supplemented ea-

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