P. 120

Anna Karenina

                                                        Chapter 15

                                     At the end of the evening Kitty told her mother of her
                                  conversation with Levin, and in spite of all the pity she felt
                                  for Levin, she was glad at the thought that she had
                                  received an OFFER. She had no doubt that she had acted
                                  rightly. But after she had gone to bed, for a long while she
                                  could not sleep. One impression pursued her relentlessly.
                                  It was Levin’s face, with his scowling brows, and his kind
                                  eyes looking out in dark dejection below them, as he
                                  stood listening to her father, and glancing at her and at
                                  Vronsky. And she felt so sorry for him that tears came into
                                  her eyes. But immediately she thought of the man for
                                  whom she had given him up. She vividly recalled his
                                  manly, resolute face, his noble self-possession, and the
                                  good nature conspicuous in everything towards everyone.
                                  She remembered the love for her of the man she loved,
                                  and once more all was gladness in her soul, and she lay on
                                  the pillow, smiling with happiness. ‘I’m sorry, I’m sorry;
                                  but what could I do? It’s not my fault,’ she said to herself;
                                  but an inner voice told her something else. Whether she
                                  felt remorse at having won  Levin’s love, or at having
                                  refused him, she did not know. But her happiness was

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