P. 370
Anna Karenina
with which he had regarded the snipe, he smiled
contemptuously and hook his head disapprovingly, as
though by no means willing to allow that this game were
worth the candle.
‘Well, have you brought the money?’ asked Oblonsky.
‘Sit down.’
‘Oh, don’t trouble about the money. I’ve come to see
you to talk it over.’
‘What is there to talk over? But do sit down.’
‘I don’t mind if I do,’ said Ryabinin, sitting down and
leaning his elbows on the back of his chair in a position of
the intensest discomfort to himself. ‘You must knock it
down a bit, prince. It would be too bad. The money is
ready conclusively to the last farthing. As to paying the
money down, there’ll be no hitch there.’
Levin, who had meanwhile been putting his gun away
in the cupboard, was just going out of the door, but
catching the merchant’s words, he stopped.
‘Why, you’ve got the forest for nothing as it is,’ he said.
‘He came to me too late, or I’d have fixed the price for
Ryabinin got up, and in silence, with a smile, he
looked Levin down and up.
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