P. 482

Anna Karenina

                                  philanthropic, highly religious woman; other people said
                                  she really was at heart the highly ethical being, living for
                                  nothing but the good of her fellow creatures, which she
                                  represented herself to be. No one knew what her faith

                                  was—Catholic, Protestant, or Orthodox. But one fact was
                                  indubitable—she was in amicable relations with the
                                  highest dignitaries of all the churches and sects.
                                     Varenka lived with her all the while abroad, and
                                  everyone who knew Madame Stahl knew and liked
                                  Mademoiselle Varenka, as everyone called her.
                                     Having learned all these facts, the princess found
                                  nothing to object to in her daughter’s intimacy with
                                  Varenka, more especially as Varenka’s breeding and
                                  education were of the best—she spoke French and English
                                  extremely well—and what was of the most weight,
                                  brought a message from Madame Stahl expressing her
                                  regret that she was prevented by her ill health from
                                  making the acquaintance of the princess.
                                     After getting to know Varenka, Kitty became more and
                                  more fascinated by her friend, and every day she
                                  discovered new virtues in her.
                                     The princess, hearing that Varenka had a good voice,
                                  asked her to come and sing to them in the evening.

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