P. 561
Anna Karenina
dissatisfaction. ‘And the door, do shut the door!’ he cried.
‘You must have let in a dozen at least.’
Sergey Ivanovitch could not endure flies, and in his
own room he never opened the window except at night,
and carefully kept the door shut.
‘Not one, on my honor. But if I have, I’ll catch them.
You wouldn’t believe what a pleasure it is! How have you
spent the day?’
‘Very well. But have you really been mowing the
whole day? I expect you’re as hungry as a wolf. Kouzma
has got everything ready for you.’
‘No, I don’t feel hungry even. I had something to eat
there. But I’ll go and wash.’
‘Yes, go along, go along, and I’ll come to you directly,’
said Sergey Ivanovitch, shaking his head as he looked at
his brother. ‘Go along, make haste,’ he added smiling, and
gathering up his books, he prepared to go too. He, too,
felt suddenly good-humored and disinclined to leave his
brother’s side. ‘But what did you do while it was raining?’
‘Rain? Why, there was scarcely a drop. I’ll come
directly. So you had a nice day too? That’s first-rate.’ And
Levin went off to change his clothes.
Five minutes later the brothers met in the dining room.
Although it seemed to Levin that he was not hungry, and
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