P. 589
Anna Karenina
‘You know I made an offer and that I was refused,’ said
Levin, and all the tenderness he had been feeling for Kitty
a minute before was replaced by a feeling of anger for the
slight he had suffered.
‘What makes you suppose I know?’
‘Because everybody knows it..’
‘That’s just where you are mistaken; I did not know it,
though I had guessed it was so.’
‘Well, now you know it.’
‘All I knew was that something had happened that
made her dreadfully miserable, and that she begged me
never to speak of it. And if she would not tell me, she
would certainly not speak of it to anyone else. But what
did pass between you? Tell me.’
‘I have told you.’
‘When was it?’
‘When I was at their house the last time.’
‘Do you know that,’ said Darya Alexandrovna, ‘I am
awfully, awfully sorry for her. You suffer only from
‘Perhaps so,’ said Levin, ‘but..’
She interrupted him.
‘But she, poor girl...I am awfully, awfully sorry for her.
Now I see it all.’
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