P. 648

Anna Karenina

                                  alien as it was to her nature, had become not merely
                                  simple and natural in society, but a positive source of
                                  satisfaction. Why she said this, which she had not thought
                                  of a second before, she could not have explained. She had

                                  said it simply from the reflection that as Vronsky would
                                  not be here, she had better secure her own freedom, and
                                  try to see him somehow. But why she had spoken of old
                                  Madame Vrede, whom she had to go and see, as she had
                                  to see many other people, she could not have explained;
                                  and yet, as it afterwards turned out, had she contrived the
                                  most cunning devices to meet Vronsky, she could have
                                  thought of nothing better.
                                     ‘No. I’m not going to let you go for anything,’
                                  answered Betsy, looking intently into Anna’s face. ‘Really,
                                  if I were not fond of you, I should feel offended. One
                                  would think you were afraid my society would
                                  compromise you. Tea in the little dining room, please,’
                                  she said, half closing her eyes, as she always did when
                                  addressing the footman.
                                     Taking the note from him, she read it.
                                     ‘Alexey’s playing us false,’ she said in French; ‘he writes
                                  that he can’t come,’ she added in a tone as simple and
                                  natural as though it could  never enter her head that
                                  Vronsky could mean anything more to Anna than a game

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