P. 697

Anna Karenina

                                     Next morning, Tuesday, Alexey Alexandrovitch, on
                                  waking up, recollected with pleasure his triumph of the
                                  previous day, and he could not help smiling, though he
                                  tried to appear indifferent, when the chief secretary of his

                                  department, anxious to flatter him, informed him of the
                                  rumors that had reached him concerning what had
                                  happened in the Commission.
                                     Absorbed in business with the chief secretary, Alexey
                                  Alexandrovitch had completely forgotten that it was
                                  Tuesday, the day fixed by him for the return of Anna
                                  Arkadyevna, and he was surprised and received a shock of
                                  annoyance when a servant came in to inform him of her
                                     Anna had arrived in Petersburg early in the morning;
                                  the carriage had been sent to meet her in accordance with
                                  her telegram, and so Alexey Alexandrovitch might have
                                  known of her arrival. But when she arrived, he did not
                                  meet her. She was told that he had not yet gone out, but
                                  was busy with his secretary. She sent word to her husband
                                  that she had come, went to her own room, and occupied
                                  herself in sorting out her things, expecting he would come
                                  to her. But an hour passed; he did not come. She went
                                  into the dining room on the pretext of giving some
                                  directions, and spoke loudly on purpose, expecting him to

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