Page 142 - sons-and-lovers
P. 142

was a pig and a brewer’s waggoner.’
            Then,  the  room  being  at  last  empty,  he  would  hastily
         copy an advertisement on a scrap of paper, then another,
         and slip out in immense relief. His mother would scan over
         his copies.
            ‘Yes,’ she said, ‘you may try.’
            William had written out a letter of application, couched
         in admirable business language, which Paul copied, with
         variations.  The  boy’s  handwriting  was  execrable,  so  that
         William, who did all things well, got into a fever of impa-
            The elder brother was becoming quite swanky. In Lon-
         don he found that he could associate with men far above his
         Bestwood friends in station. Some of the clerks in the office
         had studied for the law, and were more or less going through
         a  kind  of  apprenticeship.  William  always  made  friends
         among men wherever he went, he was so jolly. Therefore
         he was soon visiting and staying in houses of men who, in
         Bestwood, would have looked down on the unapproachable
         bank manager, and would merely have called indifferently
         on the Rector. So he began to fancy himself as a great gun.
         He was, indeed, rather surprised at the ease with which he
         became a gentleman.
            His  mother  was  glad,  he  seemed  so  pleased.  And  his
         lodging  in  Walthamstow  was  so  dreary.  But  now  there
         seemed to come a kind of fever into the young man’s letters.
         He was unsettled by all the change, he did not stand firm on
         his own feet, but seemed to spin rather giddily on the quick
         current of the new life. His mother was anxious for him. She

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