Page 415 - sons-and-lovers
P. 415

looked  nice.  She  walked  with  hesitating  steps  alongside
         Paul, bowing and turning away from him. Dowdy in dress,
         and drooping, she showed to great disadvantage. He could
         scarcely recognise her strong form, that seemed to slumber
         with  power.  She  appeared  almost  insignificant,  drown-
         ing her stature in her stoop, as she shrank from the public
            The Castle grounds were very green and fresh. Climb-
         ing the precipitous ascent, he laughed and chattered, but
         she was silent, seeming to brood over something. There was
         scarcely time to go inside the squat, square building that
         crowns the bluff of rock. They leaned upon the wall where
         the cliff runs sheer down to the Park. Below them, in their
         holes  in  the  sandstone,  pigeons  preened  themselves  and
         cooed softly. Away down upon the boulevard at the foot of
         the rock, tiny trees stood in their own pools of shadow, and
         tiny people went scurrying about in almost ludicrous im-
            ‘You feel as if you could scoop up the folk like tadpoles,
         and have a handful of them,’ he said.
            She laughed, answering:
            ‘Yes; it is not necessary to get far off in order to see us
         proportionately. The trees are much more significant.’
            ‘Bulk only,’ he said.
            She laughed cynically.
            Away beyond the boulevard the thin stripes of the metals
         showed upon the railway-track, whose margin was crowd-
         ed with little stacks of timber, beside which smoking toy
         engines fussed. Then the silver string of the canal lay at ran-

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