Page 18 - Natural Remedies For Eczema
P. 18

As you will see, ingredients contained in the steroid creams

                   and moisturizers used to treat eczema can themselves be the

                   cause  of  the  skin  reaction.  In  this  instant,  the  actual

                   treatment  being  used  could  be  making  the  problem  a  lot

                   worse as opposed to making it better.

                   You may also want to avoid close contact with anyone who

                   has a cold sore.

                   The Diet for Beating Eczema

                   You  must  refer  to  the  “Food  Pyramid”  in  the  first  place.  If

                   your  dermatitis  is  triggered  by  a  digestive  deficiency,  the

                   following  natural  dietary  plan  will  keep  it  under  control.

                   According to my experience, there have been cases in which

                   this  type  of  eczema  sufferers  even  claims  to  have  found  a

                   cure for their condition, so there is 100 percent hope for you

                   with it.
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