Page 15 - Lumenico Love Light Catalogue 2019-20
P. 15

Product Selector

                              4 easy steps to select your ideal product conguration

                              Price-points to suit ‘entry-mid-upper’ market segments

                          1                                      2                                      3                                     4

                   Select Base                         Choose Upright                       Advise Packaging                      Specify Accessories
                        LEDs                                Designs                                  Type                                Required

                                                        Style, type & quantity
                        RBG                                                                        Multi-Pack
                                                                                                   Single Pack

             Ÿ RGB LEDs recommended                 Ÿ Choose between                      Ÿ Standard or multipack                Ÿ Congure accessories to
                for SleepyLights                       SleepyLight (proled) or              packaging available                    suit a target price-point
                                                       Colour & Shine uprights                                                      and market
             Ÿ White LEDs suitable for                                                    Ÿ Custom private label
                Colour & Shine and                  Ÿ Custom designs                         printing MOQ 5k+                    Ÿ Accessory packs are
                Glow Sticker lights                    available for an MOQ                                                         available so that
                                                       of 400pcs per design                                                         accessories can be sold

                                     Contact:     Call:  +44 79 14 96 55 69        @aloka.lights
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