Page 118 - LA Casual
P. 118
Every effort has been made to ensure Samples can be purchased individually No guarantee is given as to the
the accuracy of the colours in this and will be refunded / exchanged suitability or quality of goods sold for
catalogue. Colours should be used within 7 working days only, from date any particular purpose and the Seller
as a guide only. Imprints, logos or of purchase. NO RETURNS will be is hereby absolved of any liability of
trademarks displayed on products in accepted on white/light coloured or whatsoever nature for any damages
this catalogue are for the purpose of branded items. of whatsoever nature arising out of its
showing our capabilities only. These direct failure or negligence in terms
designs are not available for sale to SELLERS LIABILITY of this agreement or for any indirect
anyone other than the authorized No guarantee is given as to the suitability damages to the Buyer.
owner of such designs. At the time of of goods sold for any particular purposes
printing, all information is correct. As and the Buyer must satisfy himself as the RETURN POLICY
we continue to improve our range, suitability of the goods for the purpose NO RETURNS WILL BE ACCEPTED ON
changes may be made without prior for which these goods are required prior BRANDED GOODS OR WHITE/LIGHT
notification. This catalogue is subject to dispatch from the Sellers premises. COLOURED ITEMS
to copyright. Reproduction in whole or In no case will the Seller accept The Seller reserves the right to refuse or
in part for publication by conventional liability for deleterious effect resulting to accept goods returned for credit.
or electronic means will be prosecuted from the application of any process The Seller reserves the right to refuse
by legal action. or treatment (whether advised by to recognize any complaint from the
the Seller or not) to the goods after Buyer in respect of shortages especially
DEFINITIONS delivery. Should the Seller apply any where the invoice has not been
The person, firm or company buying is process or treatment to the garments endorsed with the amount claimed as
hereafter termed “the buyer.” on behalf of the Buyer (or at the Buyers having been short delivered.
request) the above will also apply. No goods will be refunded / exchanged
COMPANY POLICY unless prior authorization and an
We only supply to Promotional Distributors. GENERAL authorization number has been obtained
No variation of the condition of sale from your sales representative.
PRICES shall be effective unless agreed to by A handling fee of 20% (twenty)
Prices as stated on the invoice are to the Seller in writing. percent of the value of the invoice
be paid for the goods. Quoted prices PRODUCTION TIME ON SPECIAL ORDERS will be charged on all goods returned.
are valid for 30 days. Unless otherwise 7 – 10 working days for sampling on A special picking fee of 10% of the
stated, prices quoted are Nett / approval of sample, 8 – 10 weeks for value of the invoice will be charged
excluding VAT. Note that we reserve production and shipping. on goods ordered and subsequently
the right to change prices without canceled after it has been paid for
prior notice, due to the currency DELIVERY and picked/packed.
fluctuations and changes in economic We deliver countrywide at current The Buyer must return damaged
climate. courier rates. goods to the Seller for inspection, and
The parties agree that the Seller is if the claim is recognized, replacement
PAYMENT TERMS not responsible for any damages or goods will be given to the Buyer against
Strictly C.B.D (Cash Before Delivery) shortages due to the negligence or receipt of the Sellers credit note.
– please note payments over the act of omission or commission to the
amount of R500 must be transferred part of a courier. MINIMUMS FOR SPECIAL ORDERS
electronically into our account unless Delivery will be deemed to have Our minimum quantity for special
otherwise discussed with management. occurred and liability will pass to the orders is 3000 units. No change or
Buyer when their appointed courier/ cancellation will be accepted after
CLAIMS driver collects the goods at the Sellers production has begun.
Claims in respect of faulty goods/ premises.
short delivery shall not be grounds The Seller does not guarantee delivery on NO CREDIT/DEBIT CARD FACILITIES
for withholding payment of account any specific date but will endeavour Please note that there are no credit debit
and shall not give the Buyer any right to give delivery on the dates as card facilities at any of our branches.
to set off the claim amount against agreed between the parties.
payments due to the Seller. All claims The Seller does not accept responsibility ORDER COLLECTIONS
must be lodged within seven days of for claims against it for damages of Kindly be advised that you may collect
date of receipt quoting the relevant whatsoever nature arising from non- your order only 24 - 48 hours after we
invoice number on which the goods delivery of goods on due date. have received proof of payment.
were supplied.