Page 3 - Strategic Thinking and Communication
P. 3

This is a vILT session. vILT stands                 The session takes place using
       for Virtual Instructor Led Training                 WebEx. Click here to join.

       – a highly interactive and
       participative learning event. This                  •   Find a quiet and comfortable
       is not eLearning nor a Webinar,                         space – without interruptions or
       but a very engaging and active                          background noise and with a

       development process.  Therefore,                    •   good internet connection
                                                               Make sure you have a working
       come to the session prepared to                         microphone and speakers (or
       be involved in open discussions,                        headset), and webcam
       work in breakout groups, do                         •   Take opportunities offered to

       presentations, argue and debate                         network and engage with  other
       with your cohort colleagues, be                         participants
       called on by name to contribute                     •   Be ready to engage and respond
       and , most importantly, learn                           openly to facilitators

       something new and have some                         •   Log off from your emails and
       fun!                                                    check your mobile is on silent
                                                           •   Grab yourself a tea or coffee and
                                                               enjoy the session!

                                                                                             © 2020 Starfish vILT
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