Page 10 - The 40 Ch. Book by James Hong or 洪祥智
P. 10


                   So I plan to use the Family Tree to study the population. I want

                   to ask a famous mathematician to help me, but he ignores me.
                   So I will do my own research. I know that Chinese Family tree

                   can not only paint count men, not women. I drew two ancestors,
                   the Family Tree. One is that only one child is born. The other is

                   that parents only have two. One born birth is 8-4-2-1. The two
                   born births are 2-2-2-2. These two sets of numbers are a brief

                   overview of the Family Trees.

                   From this, I got a conclusion. That is, everyone is married, to

                   have a child, and the population is still falling sharply. To get
                   everyone married, to have two children, the population will be


                   After another year, I wrote a demographic formula. (Marriage
                   rate) (Average child births per couples/2) = Rate ratio

                   (2+Rate)/3 & (1+ Rate+Rate^2)/3 & (Rate + Rate^2+ Rate^3)/3
                   This formula does not consider 1. Unmarried children and 2.

                   The marriage rate is what percentage of people are married. On

                   average, each couple has /2 children to be divided by 2 because
                   the couple is two and the relative starting value is 2;;.  2:2 is one
                   or even or unchanged.

                   (2+Rate)/3 & (1+ Rate+Rate^2)/3 & (Rate + Rate^2+ Rate^3)/3

                   The total population is three generations. The preset comparison
                   start value is three generations = 3. After three generations: Rate

                   = first generation Rate^2= second generation Rate ^3 = third
                   generation. So the default mathematical model is the population

                   of the country from 100 to 200 years.
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