Page 4 - The 40 Ch. Book by James Hong or 洪祥智
P. 4
Chapter 1 Autobiography:
My father is Hong Yongle 洪永樂, 永樂診所Yongle Clinic, in
Wenshan District, Taipei City.
I, Hung, Hsiang-chih, James Hong, Education went to Ruoshi
Kindergarten, Dunhua Elementary School, Dunhua
Guozhong,MS .When I was thirteen, I went to the United States,
went to Ohio's Hudson and Kimpton, and then went to
University HS in the Irvine, Irvine, Southern California. After I
finished, I went to the University of California, Irvine. At the
beginning, I was undecided, so in order to finish in five years, I
chose materials as a major. Since then, I then have obtained a
bachelor's degree in materials science and engineering. After I
finished, I went to obtain a certificate for Fundamental
Engineering /Engineer in Training. Later, I went to the National
Tsinghua University in Hsinchu, Taiwan. After that, I obtained a
master's degree in materials science. Graduated in September
In the past four years of graduation, I got my military service
exemption with my mental medical records. I worked at Wanyi-
Biochemical Co., I self-studied of materials and processes, and
worked as a assistant chief officer of technology for three
months. Later I worked as a teacher for a year at Tutor ABC.
Later I was a member of Herbalife for a year. During this
period, I did three years of English translations.
In the last three years, I spent my free time, without funding and
without employees, I independently studied and did research and
development on a wide range of fields, including business,
physics, mathematics, chemistry, diplomacy, economics,
accounting, medicine, and religion. , science and technology,
education, literature, population, biology. It has been a little