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Your Declarations Page

                                                   Location of property.
                                                   This shows the address
                                                   of the insured residence.

          Policy period.
          Renters policies                                                       Total Premium.
          typically cover a                                                      This is the amount
          one-year period.                                                       you pay, whether
          Pay your premium                                                       in full or by
          by the due date,                                                       installment, for
          and your policy                                                        your property’s
          automatically                                                          insurance
          continues for the                                                      protection for a
          time period shown.                                                     one-year policy
                                                                                 period and
                                                                                 includes all the
                                                                                 coverages you
                                                                                 have selected.

          Coverages.                                                             Limits of liability.
          This shows all the                                                     This shows the
          coverages you have      Policy Number: 0 03 001234 09/01  Your Agent: Sample A. Sample (123) 456-7890  maximum limit
                                  For Premium Period Beginning: Sep. 1  2010
          as part of your                                                        Allstate will pay
                                                                                 for each covered
                                  (See Policy for ApplicableTerms,Conditions and Exclusions)
          For more about coverages,  Personal Property Protection - Reimbursement Provision  $70,200
          see pages 4-13 of this     $250 All Peril Deductible Applies           For more about
                                  Additional Living Expense  Up to 12 Months     limits, see page 7
                                  Family Liability Protection  $100,000  each occurrence  of this guide.
                                  Guest Medical Protection  $1,000  each person
                                  Extended Coverage on Jewelry, Watches and Furs   $10,000  per occurrence
                                    •  $250 All Peril Deductible Applies  $2,500  per item
          Deductibles.            DISCOUNTS  Your premium re!ects the following discounts on applicable coverage(s):  20 %  Personal
                                  Protective Device
                                                       Home and Auto
                                                 5 %
          A deductible is the
                                  RATING INFORMATION                             Property. This
          amount you pay out      The dwelling is of Fire Resistive construction and is occupied by 16 families
                                                                                 shows whether
          of pocket when you
                                                                                 you’ve chosen
          file a claim for a                                                     Actual Cash
          covered loss*. Your  Discounts.                                        Value or the
          policy’s deductibles  Any discounts                                    Reimbursement
          will be shown under  you may have
          each coverage.       received are                                      Provision.
                               listed here.                                      See page 8 for
          For more about                                                         more information.
          deductibles, see
          page 9 of this guide.
                                              Sample of an Allstate
                                            Renters Policy Declarations
                    *What does “covered loss” mean?
                     It’s an insurance term that means a loss that falls within the bounds of the policy.
                     Throughout this guide, when we refer to a loss, we assume it is a covered loss.

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