Page 181 - Microsoft Word - 2_Inch_Drain_Adapter_PDS_2016_01_05
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                                     DURO-SHIELD  CAULK

            DESCRIPTION:                                          4.  Apply sealant using
            Duro-Shield  Caulk is an acrylic latex elastomeric       consistent, positive
                                                                     pressure to force sealant
            joint sealant. Its excellent adhesion and long life      into joint, creating a bead
            make it resistant to failure by expansion, contraction,   approximately 3/8 inch
            and joint movement.
                                                                     (9.53 mm) in diameter.
            Duro-Shield Caulk has excellent adhesion to most      5.  If tooling is needed, do so
            construction materials and resilient elastomeric         within 15 minutes of
            properties. It is formulated to bond to substrates       application. Tool sealant to
            such as masonry, stucco, concrete, block, brick,         create a concave joint
            stone, marble, wood, metal, and glass.
                                                                     shape to shed water and
            Duro-Shield Caulk is available in white only.            ensure maximum
                                                                     adhesion and coverage.
                                                                  6.  Sealant will skin over
            Duro-Shield Caulk is supplied in 10.1-ounce              within 1 hour of
            cartridges and can be ordered individually or in         application. The time may
            cases of 30. One cartridge will cover approximately      vary depending on
            18 to 20 linear feet with a 3/8-inch (9.53-mm) bead.     humidity and temperature
                                                                     at time of application.
            STORAGE AND HANDLING:                                 7.  Sealant is paintable (latex
            Duro-Shield Caulk has a 12-month shelf life from the     and/or acrylic-based
            date of manufacture when stored at 70° F (21° C)         paints) after 2 to 4 hours.
            with 50% relative humidity. Store original, unopened
            containers in a cool, dry area. Protect unopened      CLEANING:
            containers from water, heat and direct sunlight. High   Wet sealant should be
            temperature and high relative humidity may            cleaned by wiping with a
            significantly reduce shelf life.
                                                                  clean, dry cloth. If any sealant
                                                                  remains, then a rag
            PRECAUTIONS:                                          dampened with clean water

              Read Safety Data Sheets (SDS) prior to using.      can be used to remove
                                                                  remaining residue.
              Wear proper personal protective equipment, such
               as gloves and eye protection, per the SDS.
              Keep away from children.
                                                                           DURO-SHIELD CAULK PROPERTIES
                                                                  Resin                       Acrylic latex
            1. Limitations                                        Solid Content      77.5% by weight   63.9% by volume
               a.  Remove all dirt, oil, loose paint, frost and   Pigment by Weight             56.8%
                 other contamination from all working surfaces.   Vehicle by Weight              44%
               b.  Do not use in areas subject to continuous      Viscosity                    Mastic-like
                 immersion.                                       Weight               1.06 lbs. per 10.1-ounce cartridge
               c. Horizontal applications will require tooling.   Flash Point                    N/A
            2.  Keep sealant as close to 70° F (21° C) prior to                             To touch – 1 hour
               installation for easy gunning and tooling. Do not   Drying Times            To paint – 2 to 4 hours
               apply sealant below 50° F (10° C).                                           Full cure – 72 hours
                                                                  Volatile Organic
            3.  Apply using a standard caulking gun. Do not       Compounds                     95.3 g/l
               open cartridge until you are ready to apply
               sealant.                                           Tinting                   Not recommended

                                1 of 1                                 800-248-0280
                                      Duro-Last and “World’s Best Roof” are registered trademarks owned by Duro-Last, Inc.
                                                        Created: 01/27/2017
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