Page 15 - Latham Elite PAlmer
P. 15

unrivaled Performance and Comfort

            6 Ft. SwIm ‘N LouNGE               2' IN-WALL LADDER

                                                              Our Thermoplastic steps are flexible and durable.
                                                              Thermoplastic steps are 100% non-corrosive and will
                                                              withstand all the elements. Steps styles available in
                                                              standard or cantilever options. To view all of your entry
                                                              options, ask your Fort Wayne Pools dealer for a our
                                                              latest step brochure.
              SIT N’ STEP

                                                                            90º corNEr StEp cANtILEVEr

                          8' STEP AND LOuNGE
                           Plumbed and Jetted

                                                                              6' FrENch curVEd StEp
                   2' RADIuS INSIDE cORNER STEP

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