Page 6 - Chiang Rai_ The Northeast Marvel Destination
P. 6

Our Corporate Suppli

      Chiang  Rai  Municipality.  It  is  1                Chiang  Rai  Province  Tourism-                      Tourism  Authority  of  Thailand

      of 25 Municipality of Thailand,                      Sport.  It  has  the  authority  to                  is   a   state    enterprise  under

      They     are    responsible       for    4           promote            and         support               the       supervision          of     the

      districts.  The  total  population                   industrial             development,                  Ministry       of     Tourism         and

      is 73,838                                            tourism,       sport,      education,                Sports  that  has  a  mission  to

                                                           sports, recreation, and more                         promote Tourism in Thailand

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