Page 18 - Green Builder Magazine January 2016 Digital Edition
P. 18


Dual Function. The solar awnings can be easily raised to provide shade or lowered to protect the building.

into the power grid. An integrated heat pump is triggered when        use and can be physically raised to avoid what the team described as
there’s not enough direct solar energy to keep the water temperature  “periodic nuisance flooding.” The combination of the shutters and a
above the set point. Even in “heat pump mode,” this system is 70      louver system helps to keep out both the high summer sun and lower-
percent more efficient than a conventional electric water heater.     angle sunlight, which can also raise indoor temperatures. 

  With its tight envelope, thick insulation and heat recovery           SURE HOUSE not only won first place overall, it was also the clear
ventilation, SURE HOUSE exceeds Passive House standards for energy    winner in market acceptance, one of 10 juried categories.

                                                                                                                                            CREDIT: THOMAS KELSEY, U.S. DOE SOLAR DECATHLON

Flood Plan. The light, bright interior of the SURE HOUSE is protected by fiber-composite sheathing and flood shutters.

16 GREEN BUILDER January/February 2016                                                            
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