Page 4 - Special Awards Issue 2016 Green Builder Magazine
P. 4

EDITOR’S NOTE                                                                  By Matt Power
The Inside Scoop

New Products Make

Buildings Transparent

More than just hype, the so-called “Internet of Everything” leaves no room for guesswork.
IN MY NEARLY 25 years covering the
      building industry, I’ve yawned through                                   industry now overlap in very significant ways.
      a lot of trade shows. From one year to                                   The combination of sensors with wireless
      another, products and materials don’t tend                               technology gives the homeowner almost
                                                                               omniscient power to manage climate, security

to change much: a new shingle color here, a                                    and access to a home.

new type of resin for OSB. A lot of the changes                                Home control isn’t new, of course. I

are labeled as innovations, when really, they’re                               remember the terrified expression on one

just upgrades. That’s not to say upgrades                                      of those Crestron smart home installers in

don’t matter. They do, big time. Composite                                     the mid-’90s, clutching a fistful of wires a

decking doesn’t get moldy any more. Exterior                                   few hours before a custom show house was

insulation and finishing systems (EIFS) have                                   scheduled to open. In fairness, you needed a

layer upon layer of installation safeguards.                                   PhD to program the infernal things.

Bath fans don’t roar like jet engine turbines.                                 The difference today is that the devices

But this year, the innovation finally arrived.                                 themselves are “smart” and wireless. All

I realized this when, a couple weeks before                                    they need is standard AC power. Some don’t

the International Building Show in Vegas,                                      even need that (although I’m not a big fan of

I attended the Consumer Electronics Show in the same location. battery-powered anything in the home). The latest gadgets handle

What I discovered is that the electronics industry and the building most of the machine-to-machine dialogue themselves, leaving the

                                                                               end user with the easy stuff: Set the temperature. Decide whether to

                                                  LED Paradox.                 unlock the front door. Order more dishwashing detergent.
                                                  Despite a                      With this in mind, you’ll notice that our annual selection of 50 “hot”
                                                  reputation as a              sustainable products has a real bias toward high-tech integration.
                                                  sustainable                  You’ll see it in every category, from the obvious applications in HVAC

                                                  brand, GE is                 and lighting, to innovations that are improving efficiency and safety
                                                  pulling away                 on the jobsite. This is no accident. The triple convergence of code
                                                  from home                    changes, wireless sensors and instant control will soon weed out
                                                  lighting,                    shoddy workmanship and inferior products. In a transparent world,
                                                  because the

                                                  new bulbs                    only the genuine can survive.
                                                  don’t need                     Which leads to our survey of brand perceptions, also in this issue.
                                                  replacement.                 It’s interesting to note that the company with the best overall green

                                                                               “cred” is GE. They were early proponents of “smart” kitchens and

                                                                               energy efficient lighting. But ironically, better technology such as LED

                                                                               bulbs has them selling less replacement product, so they’re pulling

                                                                               up stakes, selling their consumer lighting and appliance divisions.

                                                                               It’s an unpredictable, interconnected new world out there. Only the

                                                                   CREDIT: GE  truly sustainable products—durable, energy-saving, easy to use—will

                                                                               survive to become the brand leaders of tomorrow. GB

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