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changes—a slight decrease in the energy charge that net metering            some southern jurisdictions allow the ERI compliance path.
customers pay for each unit of energy delivered by NV Energy and              Ironically, the section that prohibits local governments from
a decrease in the credit NV Energy pays customers for excess energy
delivered to the grid—add up to a net increase in monthly utility           improving upon the state code flies in the face of the home rule
bills of nearly 12 percent—and that’s just for this year.                   nature of the state’s codes. There’s never a dull moment in Nevada,
                                                                            and we’ll continue to follow the story as it unfolds. GB
  The changes went into effect on January 1, despite appeals to the
Nevada PUC by solar installers and customers to delay them. The new         LINKS
rates and charges apply to existing solar systems as well as new ones.
                                                                            Nevada Senate Bill 374 -
OBSERVATIONS                                                                Nevada Net Metering -
                                                                            “Sunrun exits Nevada after net metering decision” by Krysti Shallenberger of Utility
Nevada operates as if it were a Home Rule State, with individual
municipal code adoptions, yet it has a state-level energy code. (It            Dive, January 7, 2016.
should be noted that the state code has no enforcement provisions,          SolarCity Press Release -
so jurisdictions can ignore it without penalty.) This is mainly
for unincorporated areas, but also serves as guidance for local               COURTESY OF
jurisdictions. Some, like Henderson and Clark County, try to emulate
the state. Others, like Las Vegas, are behind the curve.                     The Green Builder® Coalition

  This new legislation can now influence any future code adoption.             The Green Builder® Coalition is a not-for-profit association
However, it’s also a signal that some in the state don’t want to head          dedicated to amplifying the voice of green builders
toward an energy code that calls for zero-energy homes. According to           and professionals to drive advocacy and education for
our source, the state will start working on their version of the 2015 IECC     more sustainable homebuilding practices.
in 2016. Northern Nevada communities are working towards adoption              (
of the 2012 IECC, while many communities in southern Nevada have
stated they will skip the 2015 IECC. It should be noted, though, that          For more information, contact Mike Collignon, executive director at

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