Page 17 - Green Builder Magazine March-April 2018 Issue
P. 17


                             Green Home of

                         the Year Awards

                             his year’s Green Home of the Year award winners are

                             about firsts (inaugural Passive House projects) and

                             seconds (renovations and rebirths). From going way
                             beyond net zero to literally going back to nature,                   HOME OF THE YEAR AWARDS

                   T these high-class projects honor eco-friendliness and
                                                                                                  HOME OF THE YEAR AWARDS
                   innovation. OUR EXPERT PANEL OF JUDGES evaluated projects

                   in terms of overall sustainability, resilience, synergy with the           The Best of Green Building
                                                                                                      10th Annual
                                                                                                      10th Annual
                   environment and surrounding neighborhood, affordability, creativity                                                     The Best of Green Building
                   and the depth of science employed. Here’s our run-through of

                   eight exemplary and imaginative green homes. Enjoy the ride!

                                Jennifer Beaman Pippin,              Ari Rapport is responsible for       Kim Shanahan is executive
                                owner of Pippin Home Designs,        developing and leading IBACOS        officer of the Santa Fe Area Home
                                Inc., is a nationally acclaimed      strategic relationships with         Builders Association (SFAHBA). A
                                residential design specialist and a   builders, manufacturers, state      former builder of affordable and
                                recognized expert in sustainable     and federal governments, and         green Santa Fe subdivisions with
                                and green building practices, with   other industry stakeholders to       more than 30 years in the
                                a focus on creating new homes        drive innovation in the housing      industry, Shanahan is well versed
                                and renovation projects. With 30     industry. Rapport has more than      in the subjective and objective
                   years of experience in residential design, her award-  10 years of experience applying building science   nature of judging homes for excellence and
                   winning homes can be found throughout the Lake   principles to improve the quality and performance of   accomplishment. He is also a past Green Builder HOTY
                   Norman, N.C., area and in multiple states.  U.S. homes. He works with multiple stakeholders to   participant builder.
                     She is a certified professional building designer and   manage in-depth programs and projects that will have   He has served on many local boards and
                   member of the American Institute of Building Design   short-term and long-term impacts on the housing   committees, including Habitat for Humanity,
                   (AIBD). Pippin holds diplomas in classical architecture,   industry.      YouthWorks, Affordable Housing Roundtable,
                   green building and renewable energy technologies and   Rapport holds a Master of Science degree in   Sustainable Santa Fe Commission, Capital
                   is a certified green professional with the National   Sustainable Systems from Slippery Rock University in   Improvements Advisory Committee, Long Range
                   Association of Home Builders. She is the current chair   Pennsylvania, and is a certified Home Energy Rating   Planning Committee, Planning Commission and the
                   of the AIBD High Performance Homes Team Committee   System (HERS) rater with more than 10 years of   Mayor’s Task Force to End Homelessness.
                   and a well-known speaker on green building and   experience performing home energy ratings per   Shanahan has helped nurture a change in the local
                   sustainable living practices.        Residential Energy Services Network (RESNET)   perception of Santa Fe’s homebuilding and
                     She is the recipient of numerous design and   standards.                development community over the past decade. The
                   business achievement honors, including the 2009 “50                       public’s acknowledgement of the inherently
                   Most Influential Women of the Year” award from the                        progressive nature of local builders and developers has
                   Mecklenburg Times; the 2008 Green For-Profit                              been firmly established. As a national leader in the
                   Business of the Year, Green Advocate of the Year and                      practice of green building science, for even the most
                   Green Residential Renovation Project of the Year                          affordable homes, SFAHBA plays a significant role in
                   awards from the Charlotte Business Journal; and the                       guaranteeing a healthy and sustainable local economy.
                   Special Project—Green Renovation Stars award from
                   the NC Homebuilders Association.

                                                              March/April 2018 GREEN BUILDER  15

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