Page 25 - Green Builder's Resilient Housing Design Guide 2018
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                                                                                    that goes above building code requirements to
                                                                                    help homes resist damage from natural hazards.
                                                                                    Homes  are  inspected  by  FORTIFIED  Homes
                                                                                    professionals  and  certifi ed,  which  can  enable
                                                                                    homeowners to receive insurance benefi ts. The
                                                                                    bronze,  silver and gold categories build upon
                                                                                    each other, but the main focus of the fi rst level
                                                                                    — bronze — is fortifying the roof.

                                                                                               “The roof is the most vulnerable
                                                                                               part of the entire house,” Price said.
                                                                                               “In areas prone to storms, high
                                                                                               winds and hurricanes, shingles
                                                                                               are likely to blow off . In traditional
                                                                                               homes, the last line of defense
                                                                                               against water intruding through
                                                                                               the roof deck is a weatherproof
                                                                                               barrier — usually a thin layer of felt
                                                                                               — and that will probably blow off ,
                                                                                               too. Once it does, water can pour
                                                                                               in  and  ruin  drywall,  fl ooring  and
                                                                                               almost everything else on each
                                                                                               level of your home. If your roof fails
                                                                                               to keep the water out, you’re going
                                                                                    to experience signifi cant and costly damage to the
                                                                                    rest of your house.
                                                                                    “With ZIP System sheathing and tape, when
              Next-Generation Roof Decks: Coastal                                   shingles  blow  off ,  you  have  a  built-in  layer  of
                                                                                    protection that’s not going anywhere,” he added.
              Builder Fortifi es Homes Against Storms                                “Because the weatherproof barrier is fused directly
                                                                                    to the panels and acrylic tape seals the seams,
                                                                                    your roof and house are much better protected.”
              When General Contractor John Price moved   “It rains about every other day in the coastal   ZIP System sheathing and tape comes with a
              to Gulfport, Mississippi, and began work with   areas,” Price said. “That’s not a problem during a
                                                                                    180-day  Exposure  Guarantee  and  is  available
              premier residential and commercial developer   build when you’re using ZIP System products. If   in 7/16″, 1/2″ or 5/8″ panel thicknesses. With a
              Sapphire  Homes,  he  noticed  signifi cant  rainfall   you’re in the house looking up, you can see there   unique  tongue-and-tongue  edge  profi le,  panels
              was a crucial jobsite variable year-round.   aren’t any gaps between the boards. And there’s   install easily and are self-spacing. Introduced in
              According to Price, even outside of the June-to-  no discoloration that would indicate water
                                                                                    2006 for exterior wall and roof applications, ZIP
              November hurricane season, rain is an almost-  intrusion that you often see with alternative   System sheathing and tape is changing how
              daily reality on build sites in the coastal city, and   roofi ng products. Even after heavy rains, the roof   professionals achieve tight building envelopes.
              that can spell trouble for roofs. Price looks to roof   interior looks good as new, so we’re confi dent it
              deck products that help achieve quick rough dry-  is sealed tightly.”
                                                                                    “We build to a higher standard to meet FORTIFIED
              in and ensure long-term durability under potential                    guidelines because that’s the company we want
              storm threats in his storm-prone coastal area.  Sapphire  Homes strives to distinguish their   to be,” Price said. “We use ZIP System sheathing
                                                 company in their coastal market as a builder   and tape because it’s a superior product. We
              “From light showers to tropical storms, oceanfront   homeowners can trust to have long-term
                                                                                    want to go above and beyond, and ZIP System
              builds in Gulfport need to stand up to heavy   durability as a top priority. Owner Jason Garner   products help us do that.”
              downpours and high winds during and after the   explained this had to be a core part of the
              build,” Price said.                company’s brand because of the area’s history
                                                 of devastating hurricane damage, including
              To provide added protection beyond that of   destruction from Hurricane Katrina in 2005.
              traditional oriented strand board (OSB) and felt
              roof deck assemblies, Sapphire Homes uses ZIP   “Though it’s been over 10 years since Hurricane
              System  roof sheathing and tape to build a more   Katrina, waterfront areas have been slow to
              resilient sealed roof deck. Plus, it helps homeowners   rebuild because of insurance costs,” said
 FORTIFY YOUR ROOF AGAINST THE STORM  meet voluntary resilient building standards that can   Garner. “By creating more ‘insurable’ homes
 When it comes to building in storm-prone areas, a high-performance, sealed roof deck can help   help reduce wind insurance premiums.  by following voluntary building guidelines
                                                 created to help engineer storm-resistant homes,
 protect your home against wind-driven rain. Featuring a built-in, water-resistive barrier and taped   “I used to use OSB and felt, but not anymore,”   we hope  to  help lead this  community back  to
 panel seams, ZIP System  sheathing and tape helps meet resilient building standards by   Price said. “Instead of using the traditional method   enjoying the natural amenities of waterfront
 FORTIFIED* Home™, while reducing installation steps and eliminating the need for felt.   of boards and a weatherproof layer, ZIP System    homeownership.”
              sheathing and tape has the moisture barrier built
              in. It’s a much more advanced product.”  Sapphire  Homes  follows  FORTIFIED  Homes   Visit and learn how ZIP System  sheathing
                                                                                         and tape helps meet FORTIFIED Home  standards.
 Visit to learn how to protect your build.  guidelines to make each of its projects as strong
 SHEATHING & TAPE   ZIP System sheathing and tape is an innovative   and weather resistant as possible. The FORTIFIED
                                                 Homes program was created by the Insurance
              structural roof and wall system with an integrated
              water-resistive barrier that streamlines the   Institute for Business and Home Safety (IBHS) to
              weatherization process. The system helps   help off er disaster protection for homes in areas
              Sapphire Homes get projects dried in quicker in   susceptible to natural disaster. Formulated after
              the rain-heavy Gulf Coast area.    over 20 years of research, FORTIFIED Homes
 © 2018 Huber Engineered Woods LLC. ZIP System, the accompanying ZIP System logos and design are trademarks of Huber Engineered Woods LLC. Huber is a trademark of J.M. Huber Corporation. Huber   off ers a set of design and construction standards
 Engineered Woods products are covered by various patents. See for details. HUB 17204 12/17
 *FORTIFIED Home™ is a program of the Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety (IBHS). Not all homes built using ZIP System ®  sheathing and ZIP System™ tape will qualify for a FORTIFIED Home
 designation. Homes require compliance with all FORTIFIED Home technical requirements and inspections. Visit Fortifi for details.  © 2018 Huber Engineered Woods LLC. ZIP System, the accompanying ZIP System logo and design are trademarks of Huber Engineered Woods LLC. Huber Engineered Woods’ ZIP System ®  products are covered by various patents. Please see for details. HUB 19476-1 05/18.
 17204-HU ZIP ResilientRoof_9x10.875_Green Builder.indd   1  4/27/18   3:45 PM  19476-01-HU01-Zip System Advertorial_Green_Builder_9x10.875.indd   1  4/30/18   11:12 AM
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