Page 27 - Green Builder July-August 2018 Issue
P. 27
Complete control.
Upgraded building
controls helped
Ingersoll Rand reduce
energy use by the
equivalent of 26
pounds of coal and
powering 1,750 homes
for one year.
Ingersoll Rand
Sustainability has many facets—as this company’s portfolio shows.
Ingersoll-Rand plc specializes in creating comfortable, Ingersoll Rand also replaced electricity generated from fossil fuels
sustainable and ecient environments. The $14 billion company with that produced from renewable resources—another key factor
and its family of brands—including Club Car, Ingersoll Rand, in addressing climate change, as well as creating long-term value for
Thermo King and Trane—help enhance the quality and comfort Ingersoll Rand employees and its customers.
In addition to on-site renewable energy sources, Ingersoll Rand
They’re an Eco-Leader because... of air in homes and buildings; transport and protect food has signed a power purchase agreement (PPA) for approximately
and perishables; and increase industrial productivity and
■ Since 2012, Hunter Industries has published its Corporate Social eciency. The company ( is 100,000 MWh of wind power annually. The wind farm is in Baylor
Responsibility (CSR) Report to share the company’s journey toward headquartered in Davidson, N.C. County, Texas. The PPA replaces 32 percent of the company’s U.S.
sustainability with its stakeholders. The report provides a “transparent and electricity use with green energy, and reduces U.S. Scope 2 GHG
honest summation of our goals and stories around finding a balance between S PART OF its global “Climate Commitment,” Ingersoll Emissions from Electricity by 32 percent. This is the equivalent of
People, Planet and Profit, including our successes and challenges.” Rand committed to a 35 percent reduction of its recycling 26,000 tons of waste instead of sending it to a landll, and
■ The company continues research and development efforts centered on greenhouse gas (GHG) footprint from its own operations preserving 600 acres of U.S. forests.
innovative solutions that maximize water and energy savings, such as its by 2020. To deliver on this goal, the company targeted
Low-Energy Precision Application (LEPA) bubblers, or its Wi-Fi enabled A a 10 percent increase in energy eciency from a 2013
Hydrawise sprinkler controllers. baseline—and has achieved the goal in 2018, two years ahead of They’re an Eco-Leader because...
■ Hunter’s wide range of technological expertise allows it to have significant schedule. This milestone reduces energy use and the company’s impact
■ More than 90 percent of Ingersoll Rand’s product portfolio addresses demands
impact on companies in numerous industries, including golf course irrigation, on the environment, and enhances sustainable value for its customers. for greater energy efficiency with lower greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in
custom manufacturing, landscape and architectural lighting, agricultural, Part of this eort called for In- “Environmental, social and buildings, homes, industrial spaces and transport markets around the world.
horticultural, industrial, and wastewater irrigation, and sustainable washroom gersoll Rand to conduct an energy ■ The company’s EcoWise portfolio of products is designed to lower
dispensing systems. audit of its own large facilities business sustainability environmental impact with next-generation, low-GWP refrigerants and high-
and upgraded air conditioning are core to how Ingersoll efficiency operation. The products must be at least five percent more efficient
systems, building controls and Rand operates as a than the minimum standard, where standards apply.
lighting. It also eliminated energy ■ Ingersoll Rand has a 2020 goal to generate five percent of revenue from
leakage from its compressed air company, from the efficiency products that meet world class environmental criteria: water, electricity and
systems while measuring, vali- of our facilities and product fuel consumption from the use of the product.
dating and reporting the results. o erings to the di ersi cation ■ Trane, an Ingersoll Rand brand, recently worked with the Science Museum of
It reduced energy use by 109,000 Minnesota and lowered the building’s carbon footprint and reduce its energy
MMBTUs and electricity consump- of our workforce.” costs. The project exceeded expectations by surpassing its original goal of
tion by 22,000 MWh, which is the Scott Tew, executive director 75 percent of hot water heat savings since installation and by decreasing
equivalent of not burning 26 mil- of the Center for Energy the amount of energy supply used in the community. In the future, the
lion pounds of coal and powering fficiency and ustaina ility, implemented smart design practices and energy-efficient systems are
1,750 homes for one year, accord- projected to save the museum more than $300,000 in annual operating costs.
ing to the company. Ingersoll Rand July/August 2018 GREEN BUILDER 25
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