Page 37 - Green Builder July-August 2018 Issue
P. 37
eet the trail la ers who ha e made green thin ing a lifelong e ort.
BY SARA GUTTERMAN INGRID MATTSSON, Director of Brand and Corporate
Social Responsibility, Uponor
T REQUIRES PASSION, COMMITMENT If the world ran on heart and spirit alone, Ingrid Mattsson would be empress.
and perseverance to shape the will of Mattsson’s zeal for profitable sustainability and commitment to protecting
an organization, and it takes colossal the planet makes her a unique individual in corporate America. Whether
effort to pivot the mission and priorities being recognized as an Exceptional Businesswoman by Twin Cities business
publications or winning the coveted Carlson-
I of a company. These Eco-Leaders Holohand Award for her exceptional service to the
have dedicated their careers to achieving hydronics industry, Mattsson consistently displays
refreshing curiosity and exuberance.
greater levels of sustainability within their Mattsson joined Uponor (then known as Wirsbo)
organizations and impacted meaningful change. in 1995, at a time when women were scarce in
the mechanical contracting industry. Her passion
for doing the right thing advanced the company’s
THE MAKERS branding and marketing initiatives. Together with
three colleagues, she co-founded Uponor’s North One (loud) voice.
SCOTT TEW, Executive Director, Center for Energy American Sustainability Team, assisting in the Uponor Corporate
Efficiency and Sustainability (CEES), Ingersoll Rand development of the company’s blended-values Social Responsibility
approach. Director Ingrid
If there’s a problem having to do with corporate sustainability, Scott Tew likely Mattsson makes
knows how to solve it. As the founder and executive director of Ingersoll Rand’s “I love the entire process of working with the profitable
Center for Energy Efficiency and Sustainability Uponor team to define and enhance our commitment sustainability and a
(CEES), Tew has spent nearly a decade crafting to sustainability,” Mattsson says. “I’m incredibly commitment to
corporate sustainability programs for almost every proud of Uponor’s stewardship. The company truly protecting the planet
aspect of the company. takes care of People, Planet and Profits—all of which her dual responsibility.
Tew has helped Ingersoll Rand reduce emissions, are important for the future of our business and the
cut resource use, eliminate waste, develop environment.”
innovative products, and engage employees in active For Mattsson, sustainability and spirituality are inherently connected. The
discussions about how the company can continue to child of two immigrants, Mattsson grew up on a farm and learned to respect and
exceed its sustainability goals. care for the Earth at an early age. “As I continue to learn about what’s happening
The green veteran. “Holistically integrating sustainability into a to the planet,” she notes, “I can’t help but make sustainability a top priority.”
Ingersoll Rand company is tougher than it sounds,” says Tew, An accomplished speaker and singer, Mattsson uses her voice to inspire,
Executive Director “because you do a lot of hard work upfront for future entertain and educate those around her. When not working, you can find her
Scott Tew has no rewards. It takes a lot of patience, and there is no in the garden, behind a microphone, or on a plane winging her way to her next
problem spreading the immediate gratification.” adventure.
word about corporate Despite—or perhaps because of—all the hard
sustainability, such as work, Tew is delighted by the outcome. “Ingersoll EARNEST MORGAN, Director of Business Development
during this session Rand has made the boldest commitment to climate and Sales Excellence, Emerson Commercial &
with Laura Turner Sydel action of any industrial company,” he proclaims. “We Residential Solutions
at the recent have completely rethought how we do what we do, Whether it’s in a board room or a social setting, Earnest Morgan embodies
Sustainability and how to solve customer problems.” politeness, professionalism and refinement, which contributes to his success in
Symposium 2018. When he is not conjuring up exciting new balancing the needs of the multiple stakeholders that he interacts with every day.
sustainability strategies, Tew has his hands in the dirt. Morgan’s passion for sustainability emerged early in his career, when
As an 8th-generation farmer, he is always planting something. He is particularly he worked with the National Trust for Historic Preservation to address the
proud of his plums, persimmons, figs and heirloom bulbs. myriad issues facing historic downtowns. It then evolved when he was July/August 2018 GREEN BUILDER 35
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