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AF05 OXYGENEO 4 IN 1 SUPPER FACIAL                                                                            活

                                                                          DURATION                 PRICE             MEMBERS               PACKAGE                  氧

                                                                           90 MINS                 $160                  $125          $1000/10 TIMES               泡

                                                                                        Experience the 3-in-1 super facial professionals are                        煥
                                                                                        calling better than microderm. Incorporating patented
                                                                                        OxyGeneo™ Technology for unparalleled skin                                  膚
                                                                                        nourishment & oxygenation, see younger looking skin                         管

                                                                                        after your first treatment. You get the exfoliation benefits
                                                                                        of microdermabrasion plus deep facial rejuvenation with                     理
                                                                                        the infusion of essential revitalizing nutrients and healing
                                                                                        skin oxygenation from within. OxyGeneo™ treatments are
                                                                                        suitable for all skin types—any ethnicity and pigmentation,
                                                                                        sensitive skin, and even for those who keloid (scar) and
                                                                                        couldn’t otherwise have abrasion treatments.

                                                                                        PROTOCOL:                             服務流程

                                                                                        Double Cleanse
                                                                                        Double Cleanse
                                                                                        Double Cleanse                        潔膚乳清潔潔面
                                                                                        Pumpkin Enzyme Exfoliating
                                                                                        Pumpkin Enzyme Exfoliating
                                                                                        Pumpkin Enzyme Exfoliating            南瓜酵素去角質
          4 in 1 OxyGeneo treatment                                                     Face & Shoulder Massage               肩頸面部按摩
                                                                                        Face & Shoulder Massage
                                                                                        Face & Shoulder Massage
                                                                                        Pore Cleansing & Extraction
                                                                                        Pore Cleansing & Extraction
                                                                                        Pore Cleansing & Extraction           清潔毛孔粉刺痘痘
          1    Exfoliation: It removes the upper layer of dead skin cells, similar to a gentle   OxyGeneo Treatment           三合一純氧醒膚
                                                                                        OxyGeneo TreatmentTreatment
                                                                                        Tripollar Face Tighteningripollar Face Tightening  高頻電波面部緊膚
                                                                                        T Tripollar Face Tightening
               Skin rejuvenation: It infuses the skin with active ingredients like hyaluronic acid,
          2    peptides and antioxidants (just like the rst-gen oxygen facials).       Oxygen Serum Infusion                 抗老精華素注氧煥膚
                                                                                        Oxygen Serum Infusion
                                                                                        Oxygen Serum Infusion
                                                                                        Collagen Hydrating Mask
                                                                                        Collagen Hydrating Mask
               Oxygenation: It produces carbon dioxide bubbles that gently burst on the skin’s   Collagen Hydrating Mask      膠原蛋白保濕面膜
          3    surface, which then stimulates oxygen-rich blood ow to the area and greater   Hyaluronic Acid MoisturizerAcid Moisturizer  玻尿酸保濕抗老精華
                                                                                        Hyaluronic Acid Moisturizer
               absorption of the actives.
                                                                                        Pantapeptide Firming Cream
                                                                                        Pantapeptide Firming Cream
                                                                                        Pantapeptide Firming Cream            六胜鈦緊膚抗皺面霜
          4    TriPollar Tightening: delivers focused energy to the skin surface and tissue   Sunscreen Cream                 防曬隔離霜                                  P5
                                                                                        Sunscreen Cream
                                                                                        Sunscreen Cream
               layers stimulating natural collagen regeneration
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