Page 8 - TheSource_Hardies_11OCT2017
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Commodity Updates

                               Oct 11, 2017

              Lettuce Leaf                                                  Melon (Honeydew)

                                                                  Honeydews are continuing to see a little more demand.
       Although green and red leaf has not reacted in the         The overall supply of honeydews is lower as growers finish
       marketplace like romaine, these commodities are getting    harvesting for their season. Quality has remained excellent.
       stronger. As production starts to slow down in the Salinas   The desert has started in a light way, and Mexico has also
       Valley, expect rising markets. As far as romaine, supply   started. The market is higher.
       has tightened up considerably compared to past weeks,
       and things are only going to get worse. Processors are
       attempting to buy as much acreage as possible, and this              Melon (Watermelon)
       will make this market active for weeks to come. Defects on
       romaine include slight mechanical, pink ribbing and insect.
                                                                  Watermelon supply out of California remains light.
       These defects can be seen for green and red leaf as well
                                                                  Quality is being reported at fair to good. Volume on new
       as butter, but overall the quality has been good. Romaine
                                                                  crop watermelon in Nogales crossing from Mexico has
       hearts continue to be stronger in the marketplace. Huron is
                                                                  increased. More Nogales shippers have started to received
       expected to begin production next week in a light way.
                                                                  steady volume on this commodity. This should have an
                                                                  impact on the market. Demand is very strong, mostly due
                 Lettuce Tender Leaf                              to a lack of supply from older fields in competing districts.
                                                                  Quality on Mexican watermelons is mostly good to excellent

       We have seen price increase across the industry with spring      Onions
       mix, baby spinach, and arugula. This is mainly due to limited
       supplies in the Salinas Valley. The transition cannot be soon
       enough to the Yuma growing region, although there has      Onion market is steady on all sizes and colors with
       been some harvesting in Yuma already. Those supplies       moderate demand and good supplies. Quality is looking
       are not enough to meet demand. We are struggling with      really good out all growing areas. Sizing is still peaking
       the heat from September that brought about acreage too     on Jumbo/medium out of most areas. Weather looks to
       soon. We have seen quality issues such as yellowing in     be good for the next 7 to 10 days as growers push to get
       arugula, mildew issues in the organic side of all these items,   all their onions into the storages. Look for the market to
       bruising, to increased moisture in some packs creating     be fairly steady at current levels until harvest finish by the
       slimy decay. We will see this trend for another four weeks.   end of this month start of November. Transportation is very
                                                                  limited with no relief in sight. Christmas Tree season is right
                 Melon (Cantaloupe)                               around the corner which will only make transportation even
                                                                  tighter. Please stay ahead on inventory and place orders
                                                                  with as much lead time as you can.
       The desert has started in a light way with mostly large
       fruit. Offshore supplies are set to start the first week or
       two of November. We are experiencing good demand and
       supplies that are a bit less than last week. Quality out of the
       desert is outstanding while quality in the San Joaquin Valley
       is still very nice. A few lots have come in with some soft
       melons, but overall they are great still. The market is steady
       to higher.

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