Page 5 - Indie Reads Catalogue 2021 Sept
P. 5

•May contain up to a total of 40 swear words (no f-bombs)
                  •May contain moderate crude humor appropriate for teens
                  •May contain passionate kissing
                  •May contain non-graphic discussion about intimacy (label will
                  state if it's discussion or the implied love scenes below)
                  •May contain implied closed-door or fade-out love scenes (no
                  details/naming of intimate body parts)
                  •May contain some references to nudity
                  •May contain significant violence
                  •May contain moderate drug, alcohol, or tobacco use by
                  adults and some use by minors

                          •May contain up to 100 swears
                          •May contain moderate crude humor
                          •May contain passionate and extended kissing
                          •May contain discussion of sexual intimacy that includes some details
                          (see below)
                          •May contain closed-door, interrupted, or fade-out love scenes with
                          mild details (taking off clothes, mention of breasts, etc.)
                          •May contain some descriptions of nudity
                          •May contain significant violence
                          •May contain drug, alcohol, or tobacco use

                           •May contain significant profanity (101-200 or 200-500; label will state
                           •May contain significant crude humor
                           •May contain passionate and extended kissing
                           •May contain one to three onscreen semi-detailed or detailed love
                           scenes (label will state which)
                           •May also contain additional fade-out intimacy scenes
                           •May contain graphic descriptions of nudity
                           •May contain extended and gruesome violence
                           •May contain significant drug, alcohol or tobacco use

                           •May contain extensive profanity (501+)
                           •May contain extensive graphic and crude language
                           •May contain passionate and extended kissing
                           •May contain extensive and graphic descriptions of nudity
                           •May contain repeated and graphic erotic love scenes
                           •May contain graphic BDSM
                           •May contain sex with simultaneous partners
                           •May contain extended, gruesome, and depraved violence
                           •May contain extensive drug, alcohol or tobacco use
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