Page 3 - Newsletter_Dec_2019
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Handicap family and will be the walking scorer for Billy
Committee Horschel on the Friday round. Well done Jeevan.
The Christmas season is upon us and I am
Now that the Club has appealing to our membership to support of our
entered the “Inactive volunteer sustainable donation program. We are
Season” for handicap proposing three levels of voluntary contributions:
purposes the Club is maintaining a “Winter Par ($3 per month); Birdie ($5 per month); and,
Handicap”. You may see your handicap index Eagle ($10 or more per month). To help us achieve
identified in a couple of ways depending on what our goal double your impact!!! One of our donors
platform you are using to look at your handicap. has agreed to match your donation dollar for dollar
If you post your score and only check your to help with this fundraising appeal. Your donation
handicap on the kiosk downstairs in the Club, you to this incredible junior program will be matched up
will only see your Winter Handicap and the index to $2,000.00 and is eligible to any new members
will be shown with an “L” suffix. contributing and to members increasing their current
If you post your score and only check your donation. This is the last chance to have any new
handicap on the Golf Canada app on your phone you donations matched dollar for dollar.
will only see your “frozen” handicap index. We had an incredible season this year and I am
If you post your score and check your handicap very excited about the future of this program and the
on the Golf Canada website, you will see both the huge impact our young junior golfers will make for
frozen handicap index and the Winter Handicap Gorge Vale GC and its membership. Moving
index. forward it will be necessary to garner financial
When you look at your scoring record you will support from our membership to sustain and ensure
only see “red” numbers during the inactive season, further growth. Your support will provide an
there will not be an asterisk to identify a score that is opportunity for these children to learn all the basics
a counted towards your handicap. of the game, in a great environment, making new
Our support system from the British Columbia golfing friendships that have the potential to last a
Golf is not certain what is going to happen with the lifetime. Your donation is the perfect opportunity to
Winter Handicaps come 1 Jan 20 with the change to leave behind a legacy. Make a statement that our
the World Handicap System nor are they certain the juniors are the future of this club and they will
software change is going to be ready for 1 Jan. More become industrious students, productive young men
will follow in December and January as the and women and wonderful citizens of our
information comes from the R&A, the USGA, and community.
Golf Canada. What happens when you enable the success of
Glenn Bell & Nicole Fraser one person? Does it stay contained in that one
Handicap Committee individual? Success cannot stay still; it needs to
ripple out from an individual to their family or even
Junior Report an entire community. Our juniors are the future of
15-year old Jeevan Sihota competed this club and I feel will become industrious students,
in the Billy Horschel Junior productive young men and women and wonderful
citizens of our community.
Championship presented by Zurich,
AJGA event in Jacksonville Florida 12 A stable and vibrant junior program is the
– 14 October. Jeevan finished 6 with scores of 71- barometer of the health of any golf club. Please
remember it is really important for us to all do our
71-64 on a par 72 golf course. Jeevan said this was part in increasing awareness by letting our family,
the best ball striking round he has had all year. They friends, and colleagues know that we have an
used a modified stableford competition and points
were awarded (or deducted) based the score for each incredible junior program, excellent lesson
opportunities, fantastic practice facilities, and the
individual hole: albatross: +8 points, eagle: +5 best golf course in the city. I wish all the juniors,
points, birdie: +2 points, par: 0 points, bogey: -1 members of the club and their families a Merry
point and double bogey or worse: -3 points. Jeevan Christmas and a very Happy New Year.
won tickets to the Players championship for his
Andy Reljic (Tuba)
Junior Coordinator