Page 30 - The Holiday Issue San Diego Woman Magazine
P. 30


             HEN I WAS GROWING     her leaving the house in   ment store and the closer you  that dreaded frostbite.  The
        Wup Holiday Shopping       formal white gloves.  Did she   got to Christmas the cheaper   embarrassing part was you
        was a blast.  Mom and I would  have a Cotillion that she was   the items were.  I think it had   could be a size two, but when
        set out early in the morning   attending, but had failed to   something to do with the   you stepped up to the vendor
        to do our Christmas Shopping  mention to me?  She looked   vendors losing feeling in their  to ask if he had the item in
        at the local outdoor Flea Mar-  back at me and said, ”Hmm…  limbs and just wanting to get   your size, he would politely
        kets.  Yes, I said outdoor and   hadn’t thought about it, but   home to a warm place and   say, “Oh, I’m sorry we don’t
        keep in mind, we are talking   what a deal only $1.00”  I   a cup of hot chocolate. So,   carry Plus Sizes” All you could
        about outdoor shopping     then realized I had to share   the $20 item which sold in   do was walk away in embar-
        in New York in December    in her excitement and years   the stores for $50 ended up   rassment or proclaim “Oh, its
        at sometimes 15 degrees    later I now understand my   at $5.00 the weekend before   for my normal sized sister.”
        Fahrenheit.  My mother was   unnatural love of shopping   Christmas.              I didn’t say these trips were
        a trooper and it was some of                                                      without trauma, but to this
        the best times we shared to-                                                      day I would give anything to
        gether.  My mom loved “deals”   Holiday Shopping                                  wake up at 7 am bundle up
        this came partly from growing                                                     (that took until at least 7:45)
        up poor and then as an adult                                                      and then drive 30 minutes
        with two kids and a disabled                                                      to Roosevelt Racetrack or
        husband, the only way mom                 By Judith A. Habert                     Aqueduct Racetrack, which
        could shop was if there was a                                                     was where the outdoor flea
        deal involved.  Sometimes she                                                     markets were held.  Of course
        took this to the extreme as                                                       if you were smart you would
        with one purchase she came                                                        pack a thermos of coffee or
        home with,  after uncharac-                                                       hot chocolate to help survive
        teristically shopping alone                                                       the frost, but in that weather
        after work, probably because                                                      it only stayed hot for about
        she was buying her family                                                         three minutes and then you
        gifts and wanted them to be                                                       would see a layer of ice form
        a surprise. In any event she                                                      on the top of your cup.
        was gushing about a deal she
        had gotten.  When she pulled                                                         So what is Christmas
        out the long white gloves                                                         shopping like for me today….
        that went from fingertip to                                                       Boring for the most part and
        shoulder.  I looked at her a bit                                                  I must admit, except for Black
        inquisitively, but with a smile                                                   Friday, because yes I am still
        and buoyantly bright eyes                                                         a masochist.  I now do most
        she uttered “These were on   and getting great deals.  Yes, I   I must admit you could   of my shopping online in the
        sale for only $1.00 at Gertz (a   can attribute it to my mom.  I   not be a novice or come   comfort of my own home,
        long deceased department   only wish she was still around   from someplace warm like   but between you and I, often
        store in NY) They are usually   so we could laugh about such   San Diego and survive this   I have to turn the air condi-
        $10.” Now mind you in those   things now.             shopping experience.  We    tioning on high even if it is
        days $10 was a lot for a pair   But I digress, getting back   had to start dressing about   only 55 degrees outside since
        of long white dress gloves,   to our Christmas shopping   an hour before we left.  There   I want to recreate the joy I felt
        but when they were reduced   experiences.  It was freak-  were layers of clothes to put   freezing my butt off with my
        to $1.00 who could avoid   ishly cold and at times there   on.  Bra and underwear were   mom on those sacred Christ-
        the deal?  Not my mom.  I   would be ice forming on our   just the foundations, then   mas shopping expeditions.  I
        then had to sheepishly ask   eyebrows, but a true bargain   came thermal underwear, a   even have to have my gloves
        her “Mom, when are you     hunting shopper will not let   thin sweater, a heavy hooded   on, which I must admit makes
        ever going to where white   that little fact deter them.   sweat shirt, a puffy winter   it a bit tough to navigate the
        gloves?” I had been around   After all, everything was   coat, a scarf, a hat and gloves,   touch screen on my laptop,
        for about 16 years at this   incredibly cheaper than the   definitely gloves.  The ex-  but hey Mom, this one is for
        point and not once did I catch   same items in the depart-  tremities were the first to get   you!

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