Page 15 - San Diego Woman Magazine Expanded Issue
P. 15

Together, Philanthropy, Business and Government

           Can Meet San Diego’s Affordable Housing Challenge

                                                      By Beth Sirull

                                                  Photo Courtesy of Beth Sirull

            an Diego is blessed to have many,   The first project is anticipated to be built   million in philanthropic capital in order to
            many generous charitable donors. In   on a parcel owned by a church in southeast   establish proof of concept. With these funds,
        Sthe aggregate, Americans donated   San Diego and will likely hold sixteen units.   YIGBY will be able to raise debt from private
        over $425 billion to charity in 2018. That’s   This is a tiny number given the current lack   sources such as local banks, community
        more than the gross national product of   of affordable housing. But if this first project   development financial institutions, corpo-
        almost 100 countries in the world. Extrapo-  works, the concept is scalable and could put   rations or individuals. The budget is being
        lating from national statistics, San Diegans   a real dent in San Diego’s housing crisis.  developed so that the church can service
        likely donated over $4 billion to charity in                             the debt and maintain the property with
        2018 alone. That’s a lot of money!                                       rents from Section 8 or Veterans Vouchers.
           And yet we see that San Diego, like most                              Churches are also looking to use any excess
        American cities, still faces enormous chal-                              funds, although they will be small in the early
        lenges—homelessness, affordable housing,                                 years but grow as debt is decreased, to fund
        food insecurity, good jobs with livable                                  special projects and endowments. This is a
        wages for all, to name just a few.                                       long-term investment for the church where
           Clearly, philanthropy is essential, but                               they leverage their assets to do good for the
        alone it is not enough to address these big,                             community and their congregation. Both the
        thorny issues. This year’s California bud-                               City of San Diego and San Diego County are
        get allocated nearly $2 billion to address                               supportive of YIGBY innovations. Last year,
        homelessness in the state. Government                                    the City of San Diego changed policy on the
        spending—federal, state and city—has not                                 required parking ratio at places of worship,
        been enough either. Private corporations                                 which frees up land to use for housing.
        have started to devote funds to affordable                                  From the philanthropist’s perspective,
        housing, but that is just getting started, and                           the $1 million of charitable funding is being
        on its own won’t do the trick.                                           leveraged effectively. From the lender’s
           Solving society’s biggest issues re-                                  standpoint, the debt is reasonably secure as
        quires more than one sector can provide. It                              government-subsidized rents are enough
        requires that the private sector—businesses                              to pay back the debt. As for government,
        and private investment—join with govern-                                 currently, there are thousands of people in
        ment and philanthropy, each doing their                                  San Diego who have housing vouchers but
        part.                                   YIGBY’s innovative model is to use   no place to use them and the costs of manag-
           San Diego is one of two cities recently   pre-fabricated housing like shipping con-  ing the growing homelessness problem are
        named an “Innovation Lab” as part of a   tainers that are already pre-approved by the   unsustainable.
        federal initiative called ImPower, which is   State at the manufacturing level. This lowers   Donors need to step up and provide the
        designed to facilitate partnerships between   the cost of building the units and saves   $1 million of philanthropy. A bank or other
        philanthropy, government and the private   months of processing time with munici-  lender must agree to provide the loan. Once
        sector. Locally, ImPower is being facilitated   palities. Today’s manufactured units and   these pieces are in place, and the pilot is
        by San Diego Grantmakers. One of its first   shipping containers are an emerging low cost   completed, additional sites can be built in
        projects is YIGBY, which stands for Yes In   solution that are beautiful and livable with   relatively rapid succession.
        God’s Backyard, a pilot project to rapidly   several manufacturing plants in Orange and   Similar structures can be used to address
        build affordable housing in San Diego.   Los Angeles Counties. The cost will be ap-  other challenges facing San Diego and cities
           There are over 1,000 vacant parcels of   proximately $240,000 per unit, a far cry from   across the country. At a time of unprecedent-
        land in the county that are owned by faith-  the current approximately $500,000 cost of   ed division in our society, bringing govern-
        based institutions—churches, mosques,   a more traditional affordable housing unit   ment, nonprofits and businesses together to
        synagogues and the like. YIGBY aims to   that uses low-income tax credits. Although   solve pressing community issues ought to be
        harness philanthropy, government funds   federal low-income housing tax credits can   something we can all agree on.
        and private investment to build affordable   be very effective for some projects, they add
        housing on these parcels—in God’s back-  an expensive, cumbersome administrative   Beth Sirull is the President and CEO of the
        yard. The initiative’s board is peopled with   burden.                   Jewish Community Foundation of San Diego,
        experts in housing development, architec-  Here’s how philanthropy, private capital   the Miriam and Jerome Katzin Presidential
        ture, construction, legal compliance, and   and government funds could work togeth-  Chair. She can be reached at
        operating affordable housing.       er. For this first project, YIGBY is raising $1

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