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While researchers are working to
advance treatments and find a cure for
Alzheimer's, it's important that people
practice healthy brain habits and mon-
itor their brain health as they age to
detect any changes in memory as early as
possible. Without a cure, taking preven-
tive measures and maintaining a healthy
lifestyle are the best defenses against the
Find more information at APTweb-
Alzheimer's Facts
• More than 1 in 9 people ages 65 and
older have Alzheimer's disease, ac-
cording to the Alzheimer's Associa-
• Black adults are twice as likely to de-
velop Alzheimer's compared to white
adults, according to the National In-
stitute on Aging.
• Hispanic or Latino adults are 1.5 times
as likely to develop Alzheimer's com-
pared to white adults, according to the
Alzheimer's Association.
• According to the Alzheimer's Associa-
tion, 1 in 3 seniors dies with dementia.
Man’s best friend or the ul- Additional key findings from the survey include:
timate competition for boy-
friends out there? In a recent 1. Must love dogs the ellipsis as 4. Only 18% of women have
article published around Val- 60% of women would dump pets in their dating profiles,
entine’s Day, Pawlicy Advisor, their boyfriend if he did not but 71% of women admitted
leading pet insurance mar- like their dog. if a man had a dog in his
ketplace, conducted a survey dating profile, they would
finding that over half (55%) of 2. Sit, stay, good boy…65% of match with him.
women would dump their boy- women say their dog follows
friend if their dog did not like instructions better than their 5. Biggest Dating Turnoff?
him. As it turns out, women boyfriend! 28% of women say disliking
put a lot of stock into their dog’s 3. 58% of women say they miss pets – nearly just as bad as
judgment. In fact, 44% of wom- their partner’s dog more than living with your parents
en feel their dog is a better judge their partner after going (29%)
of character than they are. through a breakup