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by Jaime V. Habert                                                                 Fabulous Finds



        This kit offers the ability to start that herb   View all the options for beautifying your   shop the entire collection and upgrade your
        garden or succulent wall with ease! Coming   urban oasis at  gym attire today!
        preassembled, this desktop vertical garden
        consists of eight single 3" growing pots   27. DIRTY CANDY SPORTSWEAR    28. DELUVIA
        & self-watering built-in interior. The Root   When you are hitting the gym, the last thing   Clean ingredients are always the first criteria
        Watering system helps with the gradual re-  you want to worry about is your outfit. With   for making it into my makeup bag, but, if we
        lease of water to the plants and keeps them   Dirty Candy Sportswear, you can feel cute   are being honest, sometimes these “clean”
        from overwatering and root rot. The water,   and confident in a variety of sexy fits that   products don’t do the work of a mainstream
        when poured from the top into the desktop,   complement your body.       one. Luckily, Deluvia is here to change that.
        trickles down, and each pot gets a certain   Their Barbell Doll Collection features   With Premium Skincare by Deluvia, you
        amount in the reservoir while the excess   flattering fits you won’t find in your everyday   can have the best of both worlds- clean
        goes down in the bottom tray, which can be   athletic store. Their Malibu Sports Bra is a   ingredients and powerful results. Deluvia’s
        taken out to throw away any excess water.   beautiful pink gingham long-line bra with a   Premium Facial Kit is the best way to step
           If you have a bit more space to dedicate   very flattering scoop neckline and scalloped   your foot into this addictive beauty brand’s
        to the venture, we recommend trying the   detailing. Not to mention, it comes with all   products. The Premium Facial Kit comes
        Mobile Green Wall. This system grows differ-  the support a girl could ask for! Pair this top   with a Foaming Antioxidant Cleanser,
        ent varieties in a limited space as an 18 in 1   with their Cozy Performance Joggers for a leg  Clarifying Toner, Rejuvenating Facial Cream,
        mini garden. On wheels, this mobile green   day fit you won’t want to take off.   Hydrating Eye Cream, and Hydrating Mud
        wall can be moved anywhere and made    The Dirty Candy Sportswear Perfor-  Mask. Each of these products is a must have,
        into a vegetable, herb, or flower garden at   mance Joggers feature their signature heart   but together, it is a kit that will become
        your convenience. Ideal for small spaces   and barbell logo in a comfortable, form-fit-  your daily beauty routine you cannot live
        like apartments with small patios, you can   ting, and flattering design. A drawstring   without.
        brighten up cement scenery with beautiful   waistband, deep pockets, and fitted ankle   The Foaming Antioxidant Cleanser is
        and vibrant flowers. The portability of this   cuffs make these the perfect sweats for   perfect for gently cleaning your face with-
        multi-level planter with a complete irriga-  every occasion.             out leaving residue. This foaming, botanical
        tion system makes it ideal for space-saving   While there are so many options to   cleanser is enhanced with plant lipids and
        gardening. Grow your favorite herbs, veg-  choose from, our favorite piece of the Dirty   aloe to soothe, as well as coconut and
        gies, or flowers, or add some air-purifying   Candy line must be our go-to bottoms—the   sugar-derived ingredients to gently cleanse
        plants to clean out the air in your home and   Curves for Days leggings. These beauties   away impurities. These ingredients invite
        move them to wherever you go!       have glute shading and added scrunch   water into the skin, allowing it to remove
           If you are looking for a smaller desktop   to enhance your backside and bring your   the dirt and oils from its surface.
        garden, consider the Watex Stackable Desk-  curves to the next level. High-waisted, light-  When you want to have a spa experi-
        top Garden Kit. It is made from high-quality,   weight, sweatproof, and extremely flatter-  ence at home, Deluvia also offers a myriad
        eco-friendly wheat straw plastic. It is not only   ing, these may crossover from your gym fit   of self-care products, such as soaps, bath
        stylish but also durable and long-lasting. The   to your coffee fit and your night out!   salts, haircare, specialty skincare, and
        Stackable Desktop Garden is incredibly easy   Want to see more of these stunning   mineral makeup. Their “Lavender Love”
        to set up and a great addition to any home.  pieces? Visit to   bar soap is an office favorite and features
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