Page 43 - Govind 70th Birthday Book
P. 43

Not very long ago, I remember meeting Govind, and instantly in my heart, l likened him to Farmer Gabriel Oak. I felt he had many qualities of a farmer and Farmer Oak was the most appropriate name he can be called. A gentleman farmer, coming from a rustic background, educated in foreign university, married to a rich heiress.
Farmer Oak is marked by his humble and honest ways. He shows exceptional skill with flowers, farming and an unparalleled loyalty. He has proved to be a faithful husband and succeeded in successfully rearing two generations with 3rd on the way. Farmer Oak has an incredible ability to read
the natural world and control it without fighting against it.
Govind occupies the position of a quiet observer and yet he knows just when to step in to-save others from catastrophe.
I wish Farmer Oak all the best on his completing seventy years of farming life.

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