Page 152 - Ministry of Economy - December 2017
P. 152
12/26/2017 Ministry of Economy and Abu Dhabi Department of Economic Development announce the launch of TIP Platform | Sharjah24
Dhabi’s economi c agenda to further enhance its GDP through a knowledge-based economy , with a key focus on technology
.and innovation as a catalyst for future economi c growth
The agreeme nt bet ween the Ministr y of Economy and the Departme nt of Economi c Developme nt – Abu Dhabi, will see both
parties work closely together to achieve outlined objectives and build a dedicated platform for technology innovation
pioneers, which will include specialised sub-platforms , such as a platform to fund eme rging projects, another to highlight
challenges and constraints facing economi c sectors and governme nt organisations in the field of innovation and technology;
in addition to a platform to attract inventors and eme rging comp anies both locally and internationally, as well as the TIP
.awards program and award ceremo ny, and other related aspects that will expand in time where jointly agreed on
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