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12/26/2017                       Mohammed bin Rashid honours winners of Gender Balance Index | Sharjah24

                                                                                .contribute to the UAE’s progress," he added

         Sheikh Mohamme  d added that that one of the UAE’s key priorities is to become  one of the highest ranked countries globally
                  in gender balance. Ensuring equal opportunities for me n and wome n, support both social cohesion and economi c

                                                                                                          .developme nt
              The Vice President honoured H.H. Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International
          Cooperation, with a me dal for the Best Personalit y for Supporting Gender Balance. He was honoured in recognition for his
             strong support to wome n in the diplomat ic sector, which has helped nume rous Emi rati wome n achieve global success.
                Currently, wome n represent 20 percent of emp loyees in the diploma tic sector in the Ministr y of Foreign Affairs and
                                                                                                 .International Cooperation

              He also honoured the Federal Comp etitiveness and Statistics Authorit y, FCSA , as the Best Federal Entit y for Supporting
            Gender Balance. Reem  bint Ibrahim  Al Hashimy , Minister of State for International Cooperation and Chair woma n of the
                                                                              .’FCSA , received the ‘  AE Gender Balance Seal
            The honouring of FCSA was based on three ma jor criteria; decision-ma king, education and experience, and a supportive
                environme nt for working mo thers. Evaluation in this categor y was based on statistics from  the Federal Authorit y for

          Governme nt Human  Resources, FAHR, and polls conducted by a neutral part y amo ng mo re than 64,000 emp loyees in the
                                                                                                    .federal governme nt

          Evaluation in the third categor y of Best Initiative for Supporting Gender Balance was based on best practices, projects, and
                                                               .policies and legislations established to support gender balance
         The UAE Securities and Commo  dities Authorit y, SCA , was honoured the Best Initiative for Supporting Gender Balance for its
            ‘ Wome n in Boards’  initiative, and Sultan bin Saeed Al Mansouri, Minister of Economy  and Chairma n of the SCA Board of
           Directors, received the trophy. The authorit y aims  to increase fema le representation on the boards of public shareholding

                                                                                          .comp anies to 20 percent by 2020

            Sheikha Manal bint Mohamme  d bin Rashid Al Maktoum,  President of the UAE Gender Balance Council and wife of H.H.
        Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deput y Prime  Minister and Minister of Presidential Affairs, expressed her gratitude to
                Sheikh Mohamme   d bin Rashid for honouring the winners of the inaugural Gender Balance Index. She said that this

        recognition from  the leadership reflects the imp ortance of gender balance in the national agenda, and encourages all private
                                                           .and governme ntal entities to strive for further progress in this field
         Sheikha Manal thanked the UAE Governme nt for incorporating gender balance into the countr y’s national indicators, which
          me asure the performan ce of all organisations. This will support the UAE’s national goals as well as the UAE Gender Balance
         Council’s vision to establish the countr y as a role mo del for gender balance legislation in the region. She also highlighted the
            strategic partnership with the Prime  Minister’s Office to work on the results of the index by reviewing the initiatives and
                .procedures of the federal governme nt organisations, and the policies they have adopted to support gender balance

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