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12/26/2017      Ministry of Foreign Affairs of United Arab Emi : UAE discusses co-operation with Argentina in agriculture and animal husbandry.

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        Ministry of Foreign Affairs of United Arab Emi                                  ADVERTISEMENT             FTSE 1
        : UAE discusses co-operation with Argentina                                                               EURO S
        in agriculture and animal husbandry.
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        12/15/2017 | 04:22am EST                                                                                  RWE
          The  UAE  and  the  Argentinian  Republic  have  discussed  co-operation  in  the  fields  of  trade,  selection.  TEVA P
        agriculture and animal husbandry.                                                                         LENDIN
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        This occurred at the meeting held by the country's delegation headed by Abdullah bin Ahmed                CELGE
        Al  Saleh,  Under-Secretary  of  the  Ministry  of  Economy  for  Foreign  Trade  Affairs,  with
        Francisco Cabrera, Argentinian Minister of Production, at the Ministry's headquarters in the              INTICA
        capital, Buenos Aires.                                                                                    VOLKS
        The meeting was attended by Abdulla Abdul Qader Al Maeeni, Director-General of Emirates                » Become a
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        Authority  for  Standardisation  and  Metrology,  ESMA,  Ali  Al  Hajj,  Director  of  the  Scientific
        Metrology Department at ESMA, and Hussein Ali Al Naqbi, Acting Charge d'affaires of the
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        UAE Embassy in Buenos Aires.
        Al Saleh stressed the UAE's efforts to strengthen trade and economic relations with countries             BED BA
        across  the  world  to  serve  common  interests  in  the  fields  of  development,  agriculture  and  Trading financial instruments  EDISON
                                                                               carries risks. Always ensure that  NRG EN
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        He said the meeting saw discussions on strengthening bilateral relations between the UAE                  H & R B
        and Argentina in the fields of trade and economy. He also pointed that the Argentinian side  MOST READ NEWS  ELECT
        stressed  its  keenness  to  benefit  from  the  UAE's  infrastructure  and  logistics  to  export        SOUTH
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        Argentinian goods to the country, and from it to the rest of the region.  1  STEEL AUTHORITY OF INDIA : SAIL supplied  ADVAN
                                                                                around 55000 metric tonnes of stee..
        Al Saleh clarified that during the meeting there were discussions with a number of Argentinian         » More Top
        businessmen  and  owners  of  companies,  who  work  in  the  field  of  agriculture  and  meat  2  Apple suppliers drop on report of weak iPhone
        production, on receiving the UAE Halal mark.                            X demand; analysts' views mixed
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        Al  Maeeni  said  the  meeting  witnessed  deliberations  on  granting  the  Halal  certificates  to  3  CORPORATION : Participates in Real Estate  EUTEL
        Argentinian companies through four authorities, which apply the national system in granting  Development Project in Ho Chi Minh City..  GALAP
        these certificates that are considered the first of their kind internationally.                           HIKMA
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        They also explored the latest updates in the establishment of the Argentine National Centre  charge on company's..  RPC GR
        for  Accreditation,  which  will  be  an  authority  that  offers  Halal  accreditation  services  to  the  GVC HO
        certificate granting authorities in Argentina and Latin American countries.  5  Oil slips toward $65 as Forties pipeline moves  DEUTS
                                                                                closer to restart
        He clarified that this Centre recently joined the International Halal Accreditation Forum, IHAF,          BANCO
        within the framework of the initiative of the Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai,  » More news  CAIXAB
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