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       UAE Ambassador visits
       ERC mobile clinics in  Clean Up UAE drive collects 21 tonnes of
       DECEMBER 26, 2017                                                                                Password

       Daesh releases first    News RSS feed    December 16, 2017
       video of Somalia
       fighters                                                                                           .   Remember me
                           Volunteers removing plastic from a sandy area as part of the Clean Up UAE campaign. Saturday's event officially marked
       DECEMBER 26, 2017
                           the conclusion of EEG’s efforts in the ‘2017 Year of Giving’.
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                           Dubai: The Emirates Environmental Group (EEG) and volunteers collected 21.75 tonnes of waste on Saturday under its
       Police impostor
       kidnapped and abused  Clean Up UAE drive.                                                        Don't have account? Re
       visitor sexually    The event was held under the patronage of Sultan Bin Saeed Al Mansouri, Minister of Economy.
       DECEMBER 26, 2017
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       Syria rebels reject Sochi
       peace initiative
       DECEMBER 26, 2017                                          Learn More

       Dubai Health Authority  The EEG team was joined by 10,000 volunteers at Nad Al Sheba and the area near Dubai Outlet Mall.
       to open a new dialysis
       centre              The campaign was sponsored by the Dubai Electricity and Water Authority and McDonald’s UAE. The supporting entities
       DECEMBER 26, 2017   included Almarai and Mai Dubai, among others, and EEG’s media partner Gulf News.
                           The EEG received further support from Dubai Police, which ensured the smooth running of the transportation on the
       Dubai Municipality joins  day and from Bee’ah, who provided the EEG with big waste skips for the collected waste and sent it for recycling.
       global initiative to
       protect world’s oceans
                           Al Mansouri said: “In adherence to the UAE Vision 2021’s objectives and targets, the Ministry of Economy is committed to
       DECEMBER 26, 2017   supporting programmes that promote sustainable development and helps the country to balance economic growth and
                           social development. So it was a great pleasure for me to be present at the Clean Up UAE campaign organised by [EEG].”
       Al Houthi missile kills
       family of 10 in Sana’a  He added: “It was a perfect display of a combination of efforts of the government, private sector, civil society and
       DECEMBER 26, 2017   community. I was delighted to see the commitment and dedication of families, corporates and others towards keeping
                           our environment clean, healthy and sustainable.
       Murderer seeks early  “It was especially humbling to see the student volunteers bring about real change by hands-on collaborative action at
       release on medical  the grass roots level. I congratulate EEG for the continuing success of this national campaign and for their efforts to
       grounds             advance a culture of environmental responsibility in the UAE.”
       DECEMBER 26, 2017
                           Habiba Al Marashi, chairperson of EEG, said the role of the organisation to protect and preserve the environment has
                           been effective for 26 years. Saturday’s event officially marked the conclusion of EEG’s efforts in the ‘2017 Year of Giving’.
       All ready for New Year’s
       Eve spectacle in    Al Marashi said: “Today [Saturday] truly reflects the unity that distinguishes this young and dynamic nation; and also
       Downtown Dubai      gives testimony to the fact that environmental stewardship or commitment to the environment is a common concept
       DECEMBER 26, 2017   that cuts across all barriers like class, sector, ethnicity, nationality, gender and age.”

                           The EEG has also provided entities with necessary support and materials to carry out the Clean Up UAE campaign
       MORE RELATED ITEMS  independently in their chosen locations. Dubai Duty Free, for instance, held the first of these campaigns on December 7
                           with the collection of 63kg of waste.
       UAE Ambassador
       visits ERC mobile
       clinics in Pakistan  Share This Post            
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