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12/26/2017 Mohammed bin Rashid honours winners of Gender Balance Index | Sharjah24
Mohammed bin Rashid honours winners of
Gender Balance Index
Monday 11, December 2017 in 5:20 PM
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Sharjah24- WAM: The Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, His Highness Sheikh
Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, said that gender balance is an important element of the
national agenda and the UAE Vision 2021, emphasising that enhancing gender balance in the
UAE will contribute to sustainable development and the fulfillment of the UAE s
.commitments to the United Nations
This came during a ceremo ny held to honour the winners of the Gender Balance Index 2017. The index features three
categories: Best Personalit y for Supporting Gender Balance, Best Federal Entit y for Supporting Gender Balance, and the Best
.Initiative for Supporting Gender Balance
Speaking on the occasion, Sheikh Mohamm ed said that the countr y, under the leadership of President His Highness Sheikh
Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, works to invest in the developme nt of its people, and considers both wome n and me n as equal
.partners in national developme nt
The UAE continues to follow the path established by the founding father, the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, who"
built strong foundations for gender equalit y with the support of H.H. Sheikha Fatima bint Mubarak, Chair woma n of the
General Wome n's Union, President of the Supreme Council for Motherhood and Childhood, and Supreme Chair woma n of the
Fami ly Developme nt Foundation. Sheikh Zayed created an environme nt that enables all me mb ers of the societ y to positively 1/2