Page 140 - Ministry of Economy - December 2017
P. 140
12/26/2017 Ministry of Economy and Abu Dhabi Department of Economic Development Announcing the launch of TIP platform | MENAFN.COM
Ministry of Economy and Abu Dhabi
Department of Economic
Development Announcing the launch
of TIP platform
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12/20/2017 1:29:32 AM
MENAFN Editorial) Considered the first comprehensive platform for innovation)
in the region to speed up Emirates Vision 2021, the Economic Vision of Abu
.Dhabi 2030, and the National Strategy for Innovation
Ministry of Economy and Abu Dhabi Department of Economic Development
announcing the launch of TIP platform in partnership with public and private
.sectors in the country and global partners
An Award for Technology and Innovation Pioneers will be initiated soon to honor
.TIP's pioneers
Abu Dhabi, UAE,19th of Dec. 2017: The Ministry of Economy and the
Department of Economic Development Abu Dhabi have officially launched TIP
platform, A platform that will host a community of pioneers in technology and
innovation locally, regionally and globally. TIP will also have specialized sub-
.platforms and will soon launch an award managed by TIP… 1/6